anchor Description
This project provides for the design, land acquisition, and construction of roadway improvements along East Gude Drive from Crabbs Branch Way to Southlawn Lane to increase mobility and improve vehicular and pedestrian safety. The improvements will: (1) add a westbound lane (800 linear feet) from Calhoun Drive to Crabbs Branch Way; (2) extend the length of the eastbound taper east of Calhoun Drive (500 linear feet) to west of Incinerator Lane; (3) provide an east-to-northbound left turn lane (300 linear feet) at Dover Road; (4) construct the missing section of sidewalk on the north side of East Gude Drive from west of Incinerator Lane to east of Calhoun Drive (550 linear feet) and (5) install six-foot wide sidewalk connectors from each bus stop on the north side of East Gude Drive to the nearest intersection.
The Average Daily Traffic (ADT) on East Gude Drive for the year 2025 is forecasted to be about 60,000.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Project will be completed in FY24.
anchor Justification
The project is needed to improve roadway mobility and safety, provide for alternate modes of transportation and improve pedestrian connectivity and safety by constructing missing sidewalk sections on the north side.
anchorFiscal Note
FY22 funding switch of $2,798,000 from G.O. Bonds to Impact Tax to reflect FY22 actuals. FY25 funding switch of $421,000 from G.O. Bonds to Impact Tax to reflect prior year actuals.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Utility Companies, Department of Permitting Services, City of Rockville