Budget Year / Version:  


This project is in direct response to requirements of the approved White Flint Sector Plan. It is composed of three components with the overall goal of mitigating the traffic impacts on communities and major intersections outside of and surrounding the White Flint Sector Plan area that will occur as a result of redevelopment densities approved under the new White Flint Sector Plan. These components include: (A) Cut-through traffic monitoring and mitigation; (B) Capacity improvements to address congested intersections; and (C) A study of strategies and implementation techniques to achieve the Sector Plan's modal split goals. The modal split study will plan and implement specific infrastructure projects to create an improved transit, pedestrian, and biking infrastructure, and programs needed to accomplish the mode share goals; determine funding sources for these strategies; and determine the scope and cost of project components.
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Planning Stage


Budget Snapshot
$2.06M Total
$0.49M 6 Year Total



Estimated Schedule

Component A-access restrictions: ongoing bi-annual data collection: site specific studies are conducted when traffic data indicates need. Component B- Intersection Mitigation: site specific preliminary engineering and concept plan development commenced in FY12 based on M-NCPPC Comprehensive Local Area Transportation Review (CLATR) evaluation. Component C- Modal Split Activities: transit, pedestrian, bicycle access, and safety studies completed in FY 12; data collection and updating Transportation Demand Management (TDM) information completed in FY12-13.

Cost Change

Funding for FY29 and FY30 was added.


Component A: The new White Flint Sector Plan area was approved on March 23, 2010. The plan allows for significantly higher density than the existing development. As a result neighborhoods surrounding the Sector Plan area could be potentially impacted by an increase in cut-through traffic. The approved Sector Plan states: Before any additional development can be approved, the following actions must be taken: Initiate development of plans for through-traffic access restrictions for the residential neighborhoods abutting the Sector Plan area, including traffic from future development in White Flint, and implement these plans if sufficient neighborhood consensus is attained. Component B: The approved plan did not address the possible negative impact on the roads/intersections outside of the Sector Plan boundary but the plan recognized that those impacts could occur. Therefore, major intersections along primary corridors leading into the Sector Plan area need to be evaluated and appropriate safety and capacity improvements identified and implemented to fulfill the vision of the plan. This component is not part of the phasing process but needs to be addressed to mitigate impacts from the Sector Plan. Component C: The plan also recognized that capacity improvements alone would not be sufficient to manage the increased traffic resulting from the higher densities within the Sector Plan area. The Sector Plan states: The following prerequisites must be met during Phase 1 before moving to Phase 2: Achieve thirty-four percent non-auto mode share for the Sector Plan area. Increasing the modal split within the White Flint Sector Plan boundary is an integral component to the overall success of the Plan's vision. Transit, pedestrian, bicycle access, safety improvements, and TDM planning and implementation efforts are required to facilitate White Flint's transition from a highly automobile oriented environment to a more transit, pedestrian, and bicycle friendly environment. A monitoring mechanism for the modal split will also be developed.

Fiscal Note

Programmed impact taxes have already been collected from the White Flint Metro Station Policy Area (MSPA).


A pedestrian impact analysis will be performed during design or is in progress.


Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Maryland State Highway Administration, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services, Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, Montgomery County Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee, Citizen's Advisory Boards, Neighborhood Homeowner's Associations, Utility Companies, Civic Associations, White Flint Transportation Management District (TMD)
Budget Snapshot
$2.06M Total
$0.49M 6 Year Total
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Project Details
Project NumberP501202
Date Last Modified10/25/24
Administering AgencyTransportation
SubCategoryTraffic Improvements
Planning AreaNorth Bethesda-Garrett Park
Total Expenditures by Cost Element (000s)
Total Funding by Source (000s)
Cost ElementsTotalThru FY24Rem FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
Planning, Design and Supervision16581107654868181818181810
Site Improvements and Utilities226226000000000
Total Expenditures20571506654868181818181810
FUNDING (000s)
Funding SourceTotalThru FY24Rem FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
Current Revenue: General1372821654868181818181810
Impact Tax685685000000000
Total Funding Sources20571506654868181818181810
Appropriation FY 25 Request81
Year First AppropriationFY12
Appropriation FY 26 Request81
Last FY's Cost Estimate2057
Cumulative Appropriation1652
Expenditure / Encumbrances1528
Unencumbered Balance124