anchor Description
This project provides for the design, land acquisition, utility relocations, and construction of the 0.6 mile segment of the trail in Montgomery County between the end of the existing trail in Takoma Park and the Silver Spring Transit Center. The trail will be designed to be 8 feet to 12 feet in width. The construction will be performed in three phases: the initial phase will construct the trail segment along Fenton Street and King Street; the second phase will extend the trail to Georgia Avenue; the final phase will construct a new bridge over Georgia Avenue and extend the trail to Ripley Street. Two sections of the trail north of the B&O train station will be constructed by a developer during the development of the new Progress Place and the redevelopment of the existing Progress Place sites. This project's scope of work includes connecting the two developer installed trail segments and widening the existing section at Ripley Street. Construction of Phase II-A will be from Ripley Street to Burlington Avenue, including the bridge over Georgia Avenue. A sidepath along Burtlington Avenue from Selim Road to Fenton Street will be designed under CIP 501532, Bicycle-Pedestrian Priority Area Improvements (BiPPA). This is done to preserve continuity in design and construction of the Burlington Avenue/13th Street BiPPA project.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Schedule delays due to delayed approval from WMATA, CSX, and MPI. Phase I construction was completed in 2018. Phase II design and property acquisition was completed in FY22. Utility relocations to start and end in summer 2025. Construction of Phase II-A is expected to commence in winter FY24 and will be completed in 18 months.
anchor Justification
The Metropolitan Branch Trail is to be part of a larger system of trails to enable non-motorized travel around the Washington region. The overall goal for these trails is to create a bicycle beltway that links Union Station and the Mall in Washington, D.C. to Takoma Park, Silver Spring, and Bethesda in Maryland. The trail will serve pedestrians, bicyclists, joggers, and skaters, and will be Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) accessible. Plans & Studies: 2000 Silver Spring Central Business District Sector Plan. Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).
The initial design for the project was funded through Facility Planning: Transportation (CIP#509337). The expenditures reflect the previously approved FY13-18 alignment over Georgia Avenue, which provides a crossing that is safe, cost-effective, and has a more limited visual impact than other proposed alternatives. This project will be coordinated with the redevelopment of Progress Place and other construction activity in the Ripley district of Silver Spring to minimize impacts to surrounding property owners. The project will help the County achieve its Vision Zero goals to reduce deaths and serious injuries on County Roadways to zero by 2030.
anchorFiscal Note
FY24 funding switch between GO Bonds and Impact Taxes.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, CSX-Transportation, Maryland DOT State Highway Administration, Montgomery College, Maryland Historical Trust, Purple Line Project, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services. Special Capital Projects Legislation was enacted on June 23, 2015 and signed into law on July 6, 2015 (Bill No. 29-15).