anchor Description
This project provides funds to develop final design plans, acquire right-of-way, and construct approximately 4 miles of an 8-10 foot bituminous hiker/biker path along the east side of Falls Road from River Road to Dunster Road. Falls Road is classified as a major highway and has a number of side street connections along the project corridor. The path will provide pedestrians and cyclists safe access to communities along this project corridor, and will provide a connection to existing pedestrian facilities to the north (Rockville) and to the south (Potomac).
anchorEstimated Schedule
Design and other project components will be discontinued.
anchor Justification
This path provides access to public transportation along Falls Road. The path will provide pedestrian access to the following destinations: bus stops along Falls Road, Bullis School, Ritchie Park Elementary School, Potomac Community Center, Potomac Library, Potomac Village Shopping Center, Potomac Promenade Shopping Center, Heritage Farm Park, Falls Road Golf Club, Falls Road Park, and a number of religious facilities along Falls Road. The 2002 Potomac Subregion Master Plan calls for a Class I (off-road) bike path along Falls Road from the Rockville City limit to MacArthur Boulevard. The path is a missing link between existing bicycle facilities within the City of Rockville and existing path along Falls Road south of River Road.
Montgomery County Department of Transportation has completed Phase 2 facility planning, preliminary design, with funds from the annual bikeway program. The project will help the County achieve its Vision Zero goals to reduce deaths and serious injuries on County roadways to zero.
anchorFiscal Note
Construction cost estimate is based on design that was completed in 2009. Final construction cost will be determined after final design is completed. Federal Aid in FY23-FY24 includes the Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) grant in the amount of $1.23M. Total expenditures reflect the County's required match of $410k for the TAP grant managed by the State. FY24 funding switch between GO Bonds and Recordation Tax Premium.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), State Highway Administration, Utility Companies, Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Permitting Services, Washington Gas, Pepco, Verizon, Maryland Department of Natural Resources; Special Capital Projects Legislation will be proposed by the County Executive.