anchor Description
This project provides shared use path improvements along 4.7 miles of MacArthur Boulevard from I-495 to the District of Columbia. To increase capacity and enhance safety for users, the existing shared-use path along the south side of MacArthur Boulevard will be widened, wherever feasible, to an eight-foot paved width with a five-foot wide grass buffer provided between the path and the roadway. In addition, to encourage alternate modes of travel and to accommodate the needs of on-road commuters and experienced bicyclists, the roadway itself will be widened, wherever feasible, to a consistent 26-foot pavement width, essentially adding a three-foot wide shoulder to each side of the existing 20-foot pavement width. The project will also provide safety improvements along MacArthur Boulevard to enhance overall safety for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists alike.
anchorEstimated Schedule
I-495 to Oberlin Avenue (Segment II): Construction of approximately 2.6 miles of shared-use path completed in FY15. Oberlin Avenue to the District line (Segment III): Final Design started in FY22 and will be completed in FY24. Construction will start in FY25 and will be completed in FY26.
anchor Justification
This project improves safety and accessibility for pedestrians and bicyclists of all experience levels and enhances connectivity with other bikeways in the vicinity. In addition, spot improvements will improve deficiencies and immediate safety on MacArthur Boulevard. The Department of Transportation (DOT) prepared a Transportation Facility Planning Study document entitled "MacArthur Boulevard Bike Path/Lane Improvements". Project Prospectus in February 2004, is consistent with the October 2004 Potomac Subregion Master Plan and the 2018 Bicycle Master Plan.
Preliminary design costs were funded through Facility Planning: Transportation (CIP #509337). The project will help the County achieve its Vision Zero goals to reduce deaths and serious injuries on County Roadways to zero by 2030.
anchorFiscal Note
Stable Lane to I-495 (Segment I): Final design and construction is not currently funded. FY24 funding switch between GO Bonds and Impact Tax.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Washington Aqueduct Division), National Park Service (NPS), Maryland Department Of Natural Resources (DNR), Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), Town Of Glen Echo, WSSC Water, PEPCO, Verizon, Comcast; Special Capital Projects Legislation will be proposed by the County Executive.