anchor Description
This project provides for the design and construction of a new Justice Center on the County property north of Wooton Parkway and East of Seven Locks Road. The new facility will include a Central Processing/Detention component to support processing new arrestees and detaining remanded individuals for up to 72 hours. Other uses include District Court Commissioners; Department of Health and Human Services Mental Health Assessment and Placement Unit; Pre-Trial Services Assessment Unit; Public Defenders Unit; and the Police Warrants and Fugitive Unit. The project incorporates technical requirements from the Detention Center Reuse project in addition to updated space requirements developed by an interagency working group. The facility will be constructed in close proximity to the planned Diversion Center to maximize diversion and deflection opportunities.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Design is expected to begin in the winter of 2025. Construction begins in the winter of 2027.
anchor Justification
This project is consistent with Council Resolution 13-356 passed by the County Council on December 5, 1995, which approved two jail facilities at two locations - Rockville and Clarksburg - as priority public safety uses. The renovation of the existing Montgomery County Detention Center facility (Detention Center Reuse Project No. 429755) was determined not to be cost effective due to the need for significant capital expenditures, life cycle costs, and continued maintenance as a result of aging systems. It was determined to be cost effective to replace the Montgomery County Detention Center with a new Justice Center facility.
Racial Equity Impact Assessment: When considering the location and design of building(s) that would offer pre-booking diversion services, the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation, along with other stakeholder agencies, will conduct a Racial Equity Impact Assessment that looks at the following:
- What is the proposal and what is it seeking to accomplish?
- How might the proposal impact communities and people of color differently?
- What do the data tell us?
- Who is impacted by the proposal?
- What are the recommended strategies to address unintended consequences and adverse impacts to promote racial equity with this proposal?
anchorFiscal Note
The project assumes that fifty percent of project expenditures will be supported by State Aid. A funding switch occurred in FY24 between G.O. Bonds and Recordation Tax Premium.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
The County Executive asserts that this project conforms to the requirement of relevant local plans, as required by the Maryland Economic Growth, Resource Protection and Planning Act.
County Council, Department of Correction and Rehabilitation, Department of General Services, Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions, Office of Management and Budget, Department of Police, Sheriff's Office, District Court of Maryland, Fire and Rescue Service, Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Racial Equity and Social Justice, Washington Gas, PEPCO, City of Rockville, State of Maryland, and Community Representatives. Special Capital Projects Legislation will be proposed by the County Executive.