Budget Year / Version:

Program Description

  Housing Development

This program provides management and oversight to support activities withing the housing division including single- and multifamily housing programs. In addition to oversight of the affordable housing and multifamily housing programs, Housing Administration also oversees downpayment assistance programs, the creation of new affordable housing initiatives, and tax abatement PILOTs.

Program Contacts

Contact Pofen Salem of the Department of Housing and Community Affairs at 240.777.3728 or Anita Aryeetey of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.777.2784 for more information regarding this department's operating budget.


Program Performance Measures

Program Performance MeasuresActual FY22Actual FY23Estimated FY24Target FY25Target FY26
Affordable housing units produced in the production pipeline961406718740762
Number of affordable housing units in the preservation pipeline5217191,6121,6601,710
Cost per unit of affordable housing units preserved 1$ 40,874 $177,218 $230,383 $299,498 $389,348
Cost per unit of affordable housing units produced 2$45,744$142,377$146,648$151,048$155,579
//PAUSE// Percent of affordable units created or preserved serving households under 50% AMI 333.0%30.0%30.0%30.9%31.8%
1  The significant cost increase per affordable unit being preserved in FY23 reflects the overall economic changes associated with inflationary adjustments, higher construction costs, and local tax policy changes.
2  Average cost per unit fluctuates with the type of project financed. The significant cost increase per unit being produced for FY23 reflects the overall economic changes associated with inflationary adjustments, higher construction costs, and local tax policy changes.
3  DHCA's underwriting criteria was recently updated to reflect a goal of providing a certain attainable and consistent level of affordable housing for very low income households.

Program Budget Changes

FY25 Approved ChangesExpendituresFTEs
FY24 Approved4434913.95
Decrease Cost: Miscellaneous Operating Expenses-10000.00
Multi-program adjustments, including negotiated compensation changes, employee benefit changes, changes due to staff turnover, reorganizations, and other budget changes affecting multiple programs.-176437-2.00
FY25 Approved2660541.95