anchor Description
This project provides funding to address the urgent challenge of preservation and development of affordable housing in areas at risk of rent escalation to higher market rents, including the Purple Line Corridor and other County transit corridors. The funds will be used to provide seed money to establish a public-private preservation commitment of funds which will proactively leverage public and private capital to support affordable housing developers in preserving and producing targeted affordable housing. The County commitment of funds will allow establishing parameters of a contractual agreement with a fund manager, such as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), which would coordinate commitment of private capital to align with the County's funds and support acquisitions of properties to create long-term affordability. The County's project funds would be dedicated as available to acquisition transactions in combination with the private capital under predetermined terms, with County lending based on approval of each transaction. The approved funds are expected to support financing activity within six months of allocation, based on time needed to identify partners, develop investment guidelines, and document responsibilities. The funds will be used to assist affordable housing developers purchasing properties offered for sale, and potentially to purchase property from the County which it acquires under the Right of First Refusal law. A portion of the units in these properties must serve households with incomes that are at or below incomes eligible for the Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit (MPDU) program. Loan terms will primarily be short term (up to 36 months) in duration. Funds are expected to revolve based on refinancing or redevelopment financing.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Spending in FY26 if project timing aligns with repayment proceeds.
anchorCost Change
Cost increase due to the addition of anticipated loan repayment proceeds in FY26 and FY27.
anchor Justification
The County has a severe shortage of affordable housing and needs to maximize and leverage private investment in the preservation and creation of dedicated affordable housing. The fund structure will establish predetermined underwriting parameters and qualifications for rapidly purchasing targeted properties. The fund structure will allow time for implementing a range of longer-term actions addressing specific property opportunities from rental agreements to redevelopment. The expectation is that these funds will leverage approximately $4 for every $1 of County funding. Opportunities to purchase property utilizing the County's Right of First Refusal could arise without advance notice and would not be planned in advance. Other targeted acquisitions would benefit from access to a dedicated source of ready funding. Properties may be acquired by the County, the Housing Opportunities Commission, non-profit developers or other entities that agree to maintain affordability, or develop/redevelop a property for affordable housing.
Resale or control period restrictions to ensure long-term affordability should be a part of projects funded with these monies.
anchorFiscal Note
FY21 approved supplemental for $8,000,000. Future loan repayments are expected and will be used to finance future housing activities in this project.
Montgomery County Revenue Authority, Housing Opportunities Commission, non-profit housing providers, private sector developers, and financing institutions.