21st Century Library Enhancements Level Of Effort | P711503 |
ABS Delivery Trucks Purchase | P852502 |
ABS Retail Store Refresh | P852101 |
AccelerateMC Regional Infrastructure Accelerator | P502412 |
Acquisition: Local Parks | P767828 |
Acquisition: Non-Local Parks | P998798 |
ADA Compliance: Local Parks | P128701 |
ADA Compliance: Non-Local Parks | P128702 |
ADA Compliance: College | P936660 |
ADA Compliance: MCPS | P796235 |
ADA Compliance: Transportation | P509325 |
Advance Reforestation | P500112 |
Advanced Transportation Management System | P509399 |
Affordable Housing Acquisition and Preservation | P760100 |
Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund | P762101 |
Ag Land Pres Easements | P788911 |
ALARF: M-NCPPC | P727007 |
ALARF: MCG | P316222 |
AltaGas-WGL Merger Fund | P362106 |
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Compliance | P361107 |
Anacostia #2 WWPS Upgrades | P382204 |
Apparatus Replacement Program | P451504 |
Asbestos Abatement: MCG | P508728 |
Asbestos Abatement: MCPS | P816695 |
Auth Lane Pedestrian Bridge | P502505 |
Ballfield Initiatives | P008720 |
Bicycle-Pedestrian Priority Area Improvements | P501532 |
Bikeway Program Minor Projects | P507596 |
Blue Plains WWTP: Biosolids Mgmt PT2 | P954812 |
Blue Plains WWTP: Liquid Train PT 2 | P954811 |
Blue Plains WWTP:Plant Wide Projects | P023805 |
Blue Plains: Pipelines and Appurtenances | P113804 |
Breathing Air Compressors Replacement | P452502 |
Bridge Design | P509132 |
Bridge Preservation Program | P500313 |
Bridge Renovation | P509753 |
Building Envelope Repair | P361501 |
Building Modifications and Program Improvements | P076506 |
Bus Priority Program - Minor Projects | P502204 |
Bus Rapid Transit: Flash Howard County Expansion | P502514 |
Bus Rapid Transit: MD 355 Central | P502005 |
Bus Rapid Transit: MD 355 South/North | P502309 |
Bus Rapid Transit: System Development | P501318 |
Bus Rapid Transit: US 29 | P501912 |
Bus Rapid Transit: US 29-Phase 2 | P502201 |
Bus Stop Improvements | P507658 |
Business Continuity Phase II | P342303 |
Capital Asset Management System | P362307 |
Capital Crescent Trail | P501316 |
Capital Renewal: College | P096600 |
Child Care in Schools | P649187 |
Child Care Renovations | P601901 |
Child Care Renovations - ADA Remediation | P602502 |
Child Care Renovations - Child Care Facility Replacement | P602503 |
Child Care Renovations - Playgrounds | P602501 |
College Affordability Reconciliation | P661401 |
Collegewide Central Plant and Distribution Systems | P662001 |
Collegewide Library Renovations | P661901 |
Collegewide Physical Education Renovations | P661602 |
Comprehensive Flood Management Plan | P802202 |
Cost Sharing: Local Parks | P977748 |
Cost Sharing: MCG | P720601 |
Cost Sharing: Non-Local Parks | P761682 |
County Building Network Wiring | P342501 |
County Fleet Electric Vehicle Charging Stations | P362505 |
County Radio Life Cycle Replacement | P342301 |
Countywide Facade Easement Program | P762102 |
Dedicated but Unmaintained County Roads | P501117 |
Dense Wave Division Multiplexing Replacement | P342504 |
Design and Construction Management | P746032 |
Digital Equity - Montgomery Connects | P341700 |
Early Care and Education Facility Fund | P602504 |
Early Childhood Center | P652303 |
Elevator Modernization | P509923 |
Elevator Modernization: College | P056608 |
Emergency Replacement of Major Building Components | P652304 |
Energy Conservation - Local Parks | P998710 |
Energy Conservation - Non-Local Parks | P998711 |
Energy Conservation: College | P816611 |
Energy Conservation: MCG | P507834 |
Enterprise Facilities' Improvements | P998773 |
Environmental Compliance: MCG | P500918 |
Exelon-Pepco Merger Fund | P362105 |
Facilities Site Selection: MCG | P500152 |
Facility Planning - Pedestrian Facilities and Bikeways | P502312 |
Facility Planning-Roads | P509337 |
Facility Planning: College | P886686 |
Facility Planning: HCD | P769375 |
Facility Planning: Local Parks | P957775 |
Facility Planning: Mass Transit | P502308 |
Facility Planning: MCG | P508768 |
Facility Planning: MCPS | P966553 |
Facility Planning: Non-Local Parks | P958776 |
Facility Planning: Storm Drains | P508180 |
Facility Planning: Stormwater Management | P809319 |
Female Facility Upgrade | P450305 |
FiberNet | P509651 |
Fire Safety Code Upgrades | P016532 |
Fire Station Refurbishment | P452503 |
Fire Stations: Life Safety Systems | P450302 |
Forest Glen Passageway | P501911 |
Fraley Farm West Water Main | P382601 |
Franklin Avenue Sidewalk | P501734 |
FS Emergency Power System Upgrade | P450700 |
General Repair of BMPs and Stream Assets | P802506 |
Guardrail Projects | P508113 |
Gude Landfill Remediation | P801801 |
Healthy Schools | P652504 |
Heart Monitor/Defibrillator Replacement | P452201 |
High School Wellness Center and Expanded Wellness Services | P640902 |
Highway Noise Abatement | P500338 |
HOC County Guaranteed Bond Projects | P809482 |
HOC MPDU/Property Acquisition Fund | P768047 |
HOC Opportunity Housing Development Fund | P767511 |
HVAC (Mechanical Systems) Replacement: MCPS | P816633 |
HVAC/Elec Replacement: Fire Stns | P458756 |
HVAC/Elec Replacement: MCG | P508941 |
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Buses and Fueling Site | P502408 |
IJIS - Correction and Rehabilitation Information Management System (CRIMS) Upgrade | P342402 |
Implementation of the Comprehensive Flood Management Plan | P802507 |
Improved (Safe) Access to Schools | P975051 |
Information Technology: College | P856509 |
Instructional Furniture and Equipment: College | P096601 |
Intelligent Transit System | P501801 |
Intersection and Spot Improvements | P507017 |
Lactation Rooms in County Buildings | P362310 |
Land & Rights-of-Way Acquisition - Bi-County (S) | P163800 |
Land & Rights-of-Way Acquisition - Bi-County Water | P983857 |
Land Acquisition: MCPS | P546034 |
Large Diameter Water Pipe & Large Valve Rehabilitation Program | P113803 |
Laytonia Recreational Park | P038703 |
Legacy Open Space | P018710 |
Legacy Urban Space | P872104 |
Library Refurbishment Level of Effort | P711502 |
Life Safety Systems: MCG | P509970 |
Life Sciences and Technology Centers | P789057 |
M-NCPPC Affordability Reconciliation | P871747 |
Major Capital Projects - Elementary | P652101 |
Major Capital Projects - Secondary | P652102 |
Master Leases: Transit Radio System Replacement | P502110 |
Materials Management Building Relocation | P652401 |
MCG Reconciliation PDF | P501404 |
MCPS Affordability Reconciliation | P056516 |
MCPS Funding Reconciliation | P076510 |
Minor New Construction - Local Parks | P998799 |
Minor New Construction - Non-Local Parks | P998763 |
Montgomery County Correctional Facility and Community Corrections Wi-Fi project | P422301 |
Montgomery Knolls ES Addition | P651709 |
Needwood Golf Course | P392306 |
Neighborhood Traffic Calming | P509523 |
Network Infrastructure and Server Operations | P076619 |
Non-Congregate Shelter Space | P602505 |
Nonprofit Preservation Fund | P762301 |
Northwood HS Addition/Facility Upgrades | P651907 |
Odessa Shannon MS Addition/ Facility Upgrade | P651910 |
Outdoor Play Space Maintenance Project | P651801 |
Outfall Repairs | P509948 |
Park Acquisitions | P872301 |
Park Refreshers | P871902 |
Patuxent Raw Water Pipeline | P063804 |
Pedestrian Safety Program | P500333 |
Permanent Patching: Residential/Rural Roads | P501106 |
Piscataway WRRF Bio-Energy Project | P063808 |
Planned Life Cycle Asset Repl: MCPS | P896586 |
Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement (PLAR): Local Parks | P872503 |
Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement (PLAR): Non-Local Parks | P872504 |
Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement: College | P926659 |
Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement: Local Parks | P967754 |
Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement: MCG | P509514 |
Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement: NL Parks | P968755 |
Planning, Design and Construction | P906605 |
PLAR: LP - Boundary Marking | P998701 |
PLAR: LP - Court Renovations | P998704 |
PLAR: LP - Minor Renovations | P998702 |
PLAR: LP - Park Building Renovations | P998705 |
PLAR: LP - Play Equipment | P998703 |
PLAR: LP - Resurfacing Lots and Paths | P871546 |
PLAR: NL - Boundary Marking | P998707 |
PLAR: NL - Court Renovations | P998715 |
PLAR: NL - Minor Renovations | P998708 |
PLAR: NL - Park Building Renovations | P871903 |
PLAR: NL - Play Equipment | P998709 |
PLAR: NL - Resurfacing Lots and Paths | P871544 |
Police Body Armor | P472104 |
Pollution Prevention and Repairs to Ponds & Lakes | P078701 |
Potomac WFP Submerged Channel Intake | P033812 |
Power Line Trail | P872202 |
Preservation of Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing Fund | P762201 |
Public Arts Trust | P729658 |
Public Facilities Roads | P507310 |
Public Safety System Modernization | P340901 |
Purple Line | P501603 |
Rattlewood Golf Course | P392304 |
Recreation Facilities Asset Replacement | P722503 |
Recreation Facilities Playground Replacement | P722504 |
Recreation Facilities Refurbishment | P722105 |
Recreation Facilities Refurbishment - Indoor Pools | P722506 |
Recreation Facilities Refurbishment-Centers | P722507 |
Recreation Facilities Refurbishment-Outdoor Pools | P722505 |
Redland Road Bridge No. M-0056 | P502507 |
Regional Water Supply Resiliency | P382101 |
Relocatable Classrooms | P846540 |
Residential and Rural Road Rehabilitation | P500914 |
Restoration Of Historic Structures | P808494 |
Restroom Renovations | P056501 |
Resurfacing Park Roads and Bridge Improvements | P500720 |
Resurfacing Parking Lots: MCG | P509914 |
Resurfacing: Fire Stations | P458429 |
Resurfacing: Primary/Arterial | P508527 |
Resurfacing: Residential/Rural Roads | P500511 |
Revitalization for Troubled and Distressed Common Ownership Communities | P762504 |
Ride On Bus Fleet | P500821 |
Ride On Fare Equipment Replacement | P502404 |
Rock Creek Maintenance Facility | P118702 |
Roof Replacement: College | P876664 |
Roof Replacement: Fire Stations | P458629 |
Roof Replacement: MCG | P508331 |
Roof Replacement: MCPS | P766995 |
Sam Rice Manor WWPS & FM | P382303 |
Sandy Spring Bikeway | P502306 |
School Based Health and Linkages to Learning Centers | P640400 |
School Security Systems | P926557 |
Shared Agency Booking System Replacement | P722001 |
Sidewalk and Curb Replacement | P508182 |
Sidewalk Program Minor Projects | P506747 |
Site Improvements: College | P076601 |
Small Grant/Donor-Assisted Capital Improvements | P058755 |
State Aid for MCPS Playgrounds | P362309 |
State Aid Reconciliation | P896536 |
State Transportation Participation | P500722 |
Storm Drain Culvert Replacement | P501470 |
Storm Drain General | P500320 |
Stormwater Discharge & Water Quality Mgmt: MCPS | P956550 |
Stormwater Management Facility Major Structural Repair | P800700 |
Stormwater Management Retrofit: Countywide | P808726 |
Stream Protection: SVP | P818571 |
Street Tree Preservation | P500700 |
Streetlight Enhancements-CBD/Town Center | P500512 |
Streetlighting | P507055 |
Student Learning Support Systems | P076617 |
Subdivision Roads Participation | P508000 |
Supplemental Funds for Deeply Subsidized HOC Owned Units Improvements | P091501 |
Sustainability Initiatives | P652306 |
Swimming Pools Slide Replacement | P722101 |
Technology Modernization | P036510 |
Traffic Signal System Modernization | P500704 |
Traffic Signals | P507154 |
Trails: Hard Surface Design & Construction | P768673 |
Trails: Hard Surface Renovation | P888754 |
Trails: Natural Surface & Resource-based Recreation | P858710 |
Transit Park and Ride Lot Renovations | P500534 |
Transportation Feasibility Studies | P502303 |
Transportation Improvements For Schools | P509036 |
Trunk Sewer Reconstruction Program | P113805 |
Urban Park Elements | P871540 |
Vision Zero | P871905 |