anchor Description
This project provides for the relocation of surface parking from Wall Local Park and the Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center (KSAC) to an adjacent parking garage on private property and the development on an interim park, as suggested in the White Flint Sector Plan. The adjacent property owner, Stonebridge, has an approved Sketch Plan, Preliminary Plan and Phase 1 Site Plan for a project that will include three life sciences buildings totaling approximately 660,000 square feet and a parking garage. As a condition of their approvals, Stonebridge is required to construct and lease to Montgomery County for 50 years 104 parking spaces within the proposed parking garage, to be used by visitors to KSAC, Wall Local Park and the Josiah Henson Museum. The County will have access to an additional 150 parking spaces as needed for special events. The parking garage will be linked to KSAC and Wall Park through a public drive and pedestrian paths. Once the garage is completed, Stonebridge will remove the surface parking area and create an interim park with large green spaces and loop trails. An urban park with varied amenities will be planned by Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) in a future CIP.
anchorEstimated Schedule
The developer plans to start construction late FY24/early FY25.
anchor Justification
The White Flint Sector Plan was approved by Council in 2010. This plan allows for significantly higher density than the existing development. Along with providing a more walkable area through newly programmed capital roads, streetscape, and biking facilities projects, there is a great need for open space that can be easily accessed by both the urban dwellers moving into this dense redevelopment area and by the local community. Wall Park could provide that open space now and will eventually provide an urban park with varied amenities, but only if the surface parking is removed. The roads adjacent to this site have been reconfigured. As part of the Stonebridge project, there is an opportunity to have the surface parking relocated within their garage.
anchorFiscal Note
FY18 supplemental for Wall Park Garage and Park Improvements approved $6,582,000 in FY18 appropriation.
Department of General Services, Department of Transportation, Department of Permitting Services, Department of Recreation and Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission.