Budget Year / Version:

The Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center is designed to bring County services closer to the community and to citizens who use those services, increase citizen accessibility to government and participation of citizens in their government, improve the responsiveness of public services to the needs of the local community and coordinate interdepartmental activities and responses to community issues and concerns. We are the local government office for the Bethesda, Cabin John, Chevy Chase, Friendship Heights, Garrett Park, Glen Echo, North Bethesda, Potomac and Rockville communities. We bring "small town" responsiveness to all communities that we serve.

Project NameProject #
260 East Jefferson Street AcquisitionP362201
Affordable Living QuartersP602201
Appellate Court Judges ChambersP362202
Ashburton ES AdditionP651514
Avery Road Treatment CenterP601502
Bethesda Bikeway and Pedestrian FacilitiesP500119
Bethesda Lots 10 - 24 ParksP872302
Bethesda Metro Station South EntranceP500929
Bethesda Park Impact PaymentP872002
Bethesda Parking Security Camera Surveillance SystemP502409
Bethesda Transportation Infrastructure Development P501802
Bethesda-Chevy Chase HS AdditionP651513
Bethesda-Chevy Chase/Walter Johnson Clusters ES (New)P652104
Bradley Boulevard (MD 191) ImprovementsP501733
Bus Rapid Transit: Veirs Mill RoadP501913
Capital Crescent Trail TunnelP502512
CESC ModificationsP652505
Charles W. Woodward HS ReopeningP651908
Chevy Chase Library and RedevelopmentP712301
Col. Zadok Magruder HS - Major Capital ProjectP652116
Cold Spring ES -- Major Capital ProjectP652506
Council Office Building RenovationsP010100
Diversion CenterP602301
East Gude Drive Roadway ImprovementsP501309
Elm Street Urban ParkP138701
Emergency Homeless ShelterP602103
EOB HVAC RenovationP361103
Erickson Bethesda Sewer MainP382305
Facility Planning Parking: Bethesda Parking Lot DistrictP501313
Falls Road Bikeway and Pedestrian FacilityP500905
Falls Road Golf Course ImprovementsP392301
Farm Women's Market Parking GarageP502316
Full Upgrade of Existing Recycling Center ComplexP802201
Garrett Park Road Bridge M-0352P502105
Glen Echo Fire Station RenovationP450702
Goldsboro Road Sidewalk and BikewayP501917
HJF Innovation Labs at Montgomery CountyP152503
Josiah Henson Historic ParkP871552
Judicial Center AnnexP100300
Judicial Security ImprovementsP362401
Justice CenterP421100
Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center Building Envelope ImprovementP721503
Lincoln HS P362302
Luxmanor ES - Current Revitalizations/ExpansionsP096515
MacArthur Blvd Bikeway ImprovementsP500718
Maryland/Dawson ExtendedP501405
Maryvale ES - Current Revitalizations/ExpansionsP096514
MCFRS Gude Drive Community Services BuildingP452202
MD 355 Crossing (BRAC)P501209
Mid-County Park Benefit PaymentsP872201
Mill Creek Towne ES AdditionP652503
Montgomery County Detention Center Partial Demolition and RenovationP422102
Montgomery County Lynching MemorialP362308
Nebel Street Shelter - Phase 2P602302
North Bethesda Community Recreation CenterP720100
North Bethesda Metro Station Access ImprovementsP502106
North Bethesda Metro Station Area Redevelopment InfrastructureP502315
North Bethesda Metro Station Northern EntranceP501914
North Bethesda MS AdditionP651503
North Branch TrailP871541
Parking Bethesda Facility RenovationsP508255
Potomac ES - Current Revitalizations/ExpansionsP096513
Potomac WFP Main Zone PipelineP133800
Pre-Release Center Dietary Facilities ImprovementsP420900
Public Safety Server Hardware UpgradeP342503
Red Brick Courthouse Structural RepairsP500727
River Falls Storm Drain ImprovementsP502511
Rockville Fire Station 3 RenovationP450105
Rockville Student Services CenterP076604
Rockville Theatre Arts Building RenovationP662502
Rose Village Sewer MainP382402
Seven Locks Road Culvert ReplacementP502513
South Tower of the Circuit Court AV Replacement ProjectP362502
Thomas S. Wootton HS - Current Revitalizations/ExpansionsP096512
Thomas S. Wootton HS - Major Capital ProjectP652115
Thomas W. Pyle MS AdditionP651705
Tilden MS - Current Revitalizations/ExpansionsP096511
Tuckerman Lane SidewalkP502302
Twinbrook ES -- Major Capital ProjectP652507
Wall Park Garage and Park ImprovementsP721801
Walt Whitman HS Addition P651704
Westbrook ES AdditionP652107
White Flint District East: TransportationP501204
White Flint District West: TransportationP501116
White Flint Fire Station 23P451502
White Flint Redevelopment ProgramP151200
White Flint Traffic Analysis and MitigationP501202
White Flint West WorkaroundP501506
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Budget Snapshot
$2,495M Total
Expenditures / Funding
88 Projects
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*** Note: This map only contains projects with a fixed address ***click here for a full list of projects