anchor Description
This project provides for design and construction of the Diversion Center. The site planning will be designed to allow the remainder of the site to house a future Department of Correction and Rehabilitation Justice Complex. The master plan and construction of utility work and stormwater management for the Diversion Center will include the infrastructure to support the subsequent construction.
This facility will support the implementation of the Crisis Now model in Montgomery County and will provide alternatives to using hospital emergency departments or defaulting to criminal justice options for people experiencing a behavioral health crisis. This facility will be operated by the Department of Health and Human Services or a contractor. It will provide a variety of behavioral health services, to include triage, crisis stabilization, and warm hand off referrals to appropriate services for those experiencing mental health, substance use disorder, and/or other types of behavioral health crises. The Diversion Center will provide an option to Montgomery County Police Department, Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service, and community members and reduce the use of emergency rooms, hospitals, and jail detention. The Diversion Center will be staffed by a multidisciplinary team to include nursing staff, licensed mental health and addiction professionals, peer specialists, and resource navigators.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Design completion is expected in spring 2025. Construction completion is expected in spring 2027. Final post-construction architect/engineer work is expected in spring 2028.
anchor Justification
The Diversion Center will complement the "Crisis Now" model in Montgomery County by offering services to the population of Montgomery County that are in crisis and need behavioral health services such as mental health, substance use disorder, and/or other types of crises. The Diversion Center is a less restrictive and more clinically appropriate community-based setting. The Diversion Center will help reduce avoidable emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and incarceration.
Formerly called the "Restoration Center," this project has been renamed the "Diversion Center" to better align with its purpose.
anchorFiscal Note
The State appropriated $17.0 million in capital grants that do not require a match. The Maryland Department of Health allocated $1.2 million for the project that will require a $1.3 million County-funded match. In total, State Aid for the project is $18.2 million.
A pedestrian impact analysis will be performed during design or is in progress.
The County Executive asserts that this project conforms to the requirement of relevant local plans, as required by the Maryland Economic Growth, Resource Protection and Planning Act.
City of Rockville, Department of General Services, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Correction and Rehabilitation, Department of Police, Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions, Pepco, and Washington Gas