anchor Description
This project delivers major roof replacement for the County buildings.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Several projects will be completed during FY26 and FY27.
anchorCost Change
The addition of expenditures in FY29 and FY30 for this ongoing project.
anchor Justification
The age of many County buildings creates the need for this project. Factors determining the need for replacement include poor condition, age, long-term utilization, and probability of continued repairs. The project consists of an annual replacement schedule for those roofs which have reached the end of their useful service life. Asbestos abatement is an important component of the roof replacement effort and will be performed when required. The roof replacements covered under this program are prioritized based upon an in-house priority schedule. Information generated in that condition survey will be the basis for future roof replacement projects. The February 2020 Report of the Infrastructure Maintenance Task Force identified an annual level of effort funding for roof replacement based on an average 20-year life for roof systems.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Department of General Services