anchor Description
This project provides for the investigation and analysis of various storm drainage assistance requests initiated by private citizens and public agencies. These requests are related to the design, construction, and operation of public drainage facilities where flooding and erosion occur. This project includes expenditures for the preliminary and final design and land acquisition for storm drain projects prior to inclusion in the Storm Drain General project, or as a stand-alone project in the Capital Improvements Program (CIP). Prior to its inclusion in the CIP, the Department of Transportation (DOT) will conduct a feasibility study to determine the general and specific features required for the project. Candidate projects currently are evaluated from the Drainage Assistance Request list. As part of the facility planning process, DOT considers citizen and public agency requests and undertakes a comprehensive analysis of storm drainage issues and problems being experienced in the county. This analysis is used to select areas where a comprehensive long-term plan for the remediation of a problem may be required. No construction activities are performed in this project. When a design is 35 percent complete, an evaluation is performed to determine if right-of-way is needed. Based on the need for right-of-way, the project may proceed to final design and the preparation of right-of-way plats under this project. The cost of right-of-way acquisition will be charged to the Advanced Land Acquisition Revolving Fund (ALARF). When designs are complete, projects with a construction cost under $500,000 will be constructed in the Storm Drain General project. Projects with a construction cost over $500,000 will be constructed in stand-alone projects.
Projects will be designed to accommodate the ten-year storm frequency interval.
anchor Justification
Evaluation, justification, and cost-benefit analysis are completed by DOT as necessary. In the case of participation projects, drainage studies and preliminary plans will be prepared by the requestor's engineer and reviewed by DOT. Traffic signals, streetlights, crosswalks, bus stops, ADA ramps, bikeways and other pertinent issues are being considered in the design of the project to ensure pedestrian safety.
Before being added as a subproject, concept studies are evaluated based on the following factors: public safety; damage to private property; frequency of event; damage to public right-of-way; environmental factors such as erosion, general public benefit, availability of right-of-way; and 5:1 cost-benefit damage prevented ratio. In the case of public safety or severe damage to private property, the 5:1 cost-benefit damage prevented ratio can be waived. Drainage assistance requests are evaluated on a continuing basis in response to public requests. DOT maintains a database of complaints. Recent construction projects completed include: Railroad Street, Saul Road, Lucas Lane, MacArthur Blvd at Persimmon Tree Road, Holly Oak Court, Wildwood Road at Parkwood, Melbourne Avenue, Williamsburg Drive, Woodcrest Drive, Fox Run, Democracy Lane, Fairfax Road. Candidate Projects for FY24 and FY25: Reading Road, Kenilworth Driveway, Conway Drive, Parkwood Drive, Highview Drive, Gardiner Avenue.
anchorFiscal Note
Acceleration of $378,000 from FY25 into FY24 to get more projects into construction.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Maryland Department of the Environment, United States Army Corps of Engineers, Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services, Utility Companies, and Sidewalk Program - Minor Projects (CIP No. 506747)