anchor Description
This project provides for the permanent patching and resurfacing of rural and residential roadways using durable hot mix asphalt to restore long-term structural integrity to the aging rural and residential roadway infrastructure. The County maintains a combined total of 4,363 lane-miles of rural and residential roads. Preventative maintenance includes full-depth patching of distressed areas of pavement in combination with a new hot mix asphalt wearing surface of 1-inch to 2-inches depending on the levels of observed distress. A portion of this work will be performed by the County in-house paving crew.
anchor Justification
In FY09, the Department of Transportation instituted a contemporary pavement management system. This system provides for systematic physical condition surveys. The surveys note the type, level, and extent of residential pavement deterioration combined with average daily traffic and other usage characteristics. The 2022 pavement condition survey is used to calculate specific pavement ratings, types of repair strategies needed, and associated repair cost, as well as the overall Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of the entire primary/arterial network. The system also provides for budget optimization and recommending annual budgets for a systematic approach to maintaining a healthy primary/arterial pavement inventory.
The design and planning stages, as well as project construction, will comply with the Department of Transportation (DOT), Maryland State Highway Administration (MSHA), Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and American with Disabilities Act (ADA). Rural/residential road mileage has been adjusted to conform with the State inventory of road mileage maintained by the State Highway Administration (SHA). This inventory is updated annually.
anchorFiscal Note
$56.9 million is the annual cost required to achieve the current Countywide Pavement Condition Index of 67 for Residential and rural roads. $59.4 million is the annual requirement to achieve a Countywide Pavement Condition Index of 70 for residential rural roads. FY24 supplemental in GO Bonds for the amount of $2,000,000. Funding switch in FY25 between GO Bonds and GO Bonds Premium.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
WSSC Water, Washington Gas Light Company, PEPCO, Cable TV, Verizon, United States Postal Service.