anchor Description
This project is in four phases. The first phase, completed in 2009, renovated the hearing room, conference room, and anteroom on the third floor of the Council Office Building (COB) which had not been renovated in at least twenty-five years. Phase II replaces the HVAC system, lighting systems, and windows in the rest of the COB; upgrades restrooms to ADA standards; renovates the auditorium on the first floor; provides improved signage inside and outside the buildings; refreshes common areas; and reconfigures space on the fourth, fifth, and sixth floors for the Council Office and the Office of Legislative Oversight (OLO) staff. Phase III provides code compliance renovations and building envelope corrections. Phase IV - Part A will include limited interior modifications to provide two new councilmember suites and ancillary spaces (e.g. hearing/conference rooms). Phase IV - Part B includes a reevaluation and assessment of the cafeteria/kitchen and potential renovations. The project will also fund accessibility and other improvements to the first floor public entrance area and seventh floor hearing rooms.
anchorEstimated Schedule
The project was completed in FY24 with the exception of the added scope of the cafeteria renovation and renovations to the first floor public entrance area and seventh floor hearing room.
anchor Justification
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning in the COB function poorly, and most of the restrooms are not compliant with updated ADA standards or high performance building standards. The Council Office and OLO have far outgrown their space since it was last reconfigured more than 25 years ago. The 1st Floor Auditorium, which is used regularly for County Government staff training and as a meeting place by civic organizations, was extremely substandard.
anchorFiscal Note
The second phase of the project is partially funded with a $184,000 unencumbered balance from the first phase and an FY15 transfer of $2,993,000 in GO bonds from the Montgomery County Government Complex (360901). An FY15 supplemental of $296,000 in GO bonds was approved. An audit by Energy Service Company (ESCO) has been conducted, and it has determined that $4 million in savings can be anticipated from this project. An Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) will allow for third-party funding to cover this portion of the contract, so that GO bonds are not required for funding. A financing mechanism is in place to cover the cost of the contract and the repayment of debt is guaranteed through the energy savings. An FY17 transfer of $700,000 in long-term financing from Energy Systems Modernization was approved. An FY21 supplemental in GO bonds for the amount of $92,000 was approved.
FY22 supplemental in GO bonds for the amount of $3,600,000.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
County Council, Department of General Services, Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions, Legislative Branch Offices, Office of Consumer Protection, and Department of Housing and Community Affairs. Special Capital Projects Legislation was enacted on June 23, 2015, and signed into law on July 6, 2015 (Bill No. 27-15).