anchor Description
This project funds preparation of master plans, concept plans, and design plans; archaeological, engineering, and environmental studies; topographic, natural resource, and forest conservation surveys; utility and infrastructure assessments; traffic studies; feasibility studies, etc. for development and renovation of local parks. Work includes, but is not limited to, public outreach, needs assessments, usage and trend analysis, schematic drawings, detailing, computations, agency coordination, cost estimating, and design. This project also supports planning activities associated with public-private partnerships, loan/grant applications, and park impact/restoration analysis related to external projects.
anchorCost Change
Increase due to the addition of FY29 and FY30 to this ongoing project.
anchor Justification
2017 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Plan, approved by the Montgomery County Planning Board. There is a continuing need for the development of accurate cost estimates and an exploration of alternatives for proposed facility projects.
anchorFiscal Note
Prior year partial capitalization of expenditures through FY16 totaled $4,501,000.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.