anchor Description
This project provides for the replacement/major repair of roofs and entrance canopies on buildings at all three campuses, including the addition of roof insulation as part of the replacement work. Project costs are based on comprehensive roof surveys of all College buildings completed in 2008. An update to this survey was completed in FY18.
anchor Justification
The College has implemented a roof replacement/renovation program to respond to the aging of building roofs. The program provides for the periodic evaluation of roofs on a four year cycle. The current roof replacement/major repair schedule delineates specific building projects.. Roofs requiring major renovation are generally ten years or older in age. In the initial replacement cycle, approximately 33% of the construction cost is for the addition of roof insulation on each building. Added insulation results in an average five year payback due to reduced energy costs and lower replacement costs of mechanical equipment retrofits in building renovations. This project is coordinated with the College's building renovation program and with the replacement of major roof-top building equipment. Related studies include the Montgomery College Strategic Plan (7/23), Collegewide Roof Surveys Update (2018), a Collegewide Facilities Condition Assessment (1/23) and the Collegewide Master Plan (Pending 2023).
FY25 Appropriation: $1,840,000 (G.O. Bonds). FY26 Appropriation: $1,563,000 (G.O. Bonds). By County Council Resolution #12-663, the cumulative project appropriation was reduced by $65,000 in FY92. In addition, the State share was reduced by $65,000 in FY92. FY87-FY91, and FY93 project funding was 100% current revenue. FY92 funding was current revenue and State aid. No appropriations were made to this project in FY94 and FY95. In FY96, funding was changed to G.O Bonds and State aid. State aid applies only to roof replacement design and construction. Roof surveys are 100% County G.O. Bond funded. In FY19, $813,000 in G.O. Bonds was reallocated from the Bioscience Education Center project (#P056603) and $937,000 in G.O. Bonds were reallocated from the Science West Building Renovation project (#P076622). In FY19, $813,000 in G.O. Bonds reallocated from the Germantown Bioscience Education Center project (#P056603) and $937,000 reallocated from Science West Building Renovation (#P076622). The following fund transfer has been made into this project: $1,400,000 from the Planned Asset Replacement project (#P926659)(BOT Res. #19-05-041,5/13/19); The following fund transfers have been made to this project: $1,400,000 from Site Improvements (#076601) (BOT Resol. #22-09-004, 9/20/21).
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Montgomery College asserts that this project conforms to the requirement of relevant local plans, as required by the Maryland Economic Growth, Resource Protection and Planning Act.
Energy Conservation (CIP No. P816611), Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement: College (CIP No. P926659), FY25 - Germantown High Technology Building, FY26- R-Macklin Tower Building (Terrace only). FY27- TPSS Pavilion 1, Pavilion 2, Pavilion 4, Short Term Roof Repairs, Semi Annual Roof Inspections; FY28 - R-South Campus Instruction Building, and TPSS Commons Building; FY29 - R-Gudelsky Building, and R-Humanities Building; FY29 - Rockville Theatre Arts Building, Rockville Technical Center, Germantown Grounds Storage; and FY30 - Central Services Building & R-Performing Arts Center.