anchor Description
This project provides for the design, development, installation/construction, and support of College Information Technology (IT) systems including enterprise-wide data, voice, and video applications; cybersecurity; cloud-based software services; and other related software applications used for administrative and academic support; and the replacement/upgrade of IT equipment to meet student and employee requirements. The project includes planning, installation, and furnishing of audio/visual and computing technology in classrooms, labs, and offices throughout three campuses and multiple workforce development centers. These systems support and enhance the College's mission, its instructional programs, and student services including counseling, admissions, registration, etc. They also meet administrative computing requirements for finance, human resources, institutional advancement, workforce development and continuing education, and are implemented in accordance with the collegewide college strategic plan . The Office of Information Technology (OIT) with input from the college community determines and recommends the hardware, software, and services to be purchased. Four technical staff positions are funded by this project.
anchor Justification
To meet current and projected needs, and to remain current with changing technical standards and expectations for data, video, and voice communications, the College plans and installs IT, telecommunications, audio/visual, and instructional systems at each campus, the central administration building, and all remote instructional sites. The new systems allow replacement of legacy systems for data and video applications; provide for updated networking capabilities; provide necessary security and monitoring capabilities; establish learning centers in classrooms, labs, and for distributed instruction; and allow expanded opportunities for linking with external information technology services. State-of-the-market hardware and software capabilities and cloud services are required to attract and serve students, faculty and staff, as well as to serve the business community by upgrading work force technology skills and providing a base for continued economic development in the county. Information technology directly enables the College's mission and is used to facilitate student success; to effectively and efficiently operate the College; and to support the College's growth, development, and community initiatives.
FY25 Appropriation: $9,250,000 ($500,000 Current Revenue: General; $8,750,000 Contributions (Fund Balance)). FY26 Appropriation: $9,250,000 ($8,500,000 Current Revenue: General; $750,000 Contributions (Fund Balance)). The following fund transfers have been made from this project: $1,300,000 to the Takoma Park Campus Expansion project (CIP No. P996662) (BOT Resol. #07-01-005, 1/16/2007); $300,000 to the Student Learning Support Systems project (CIP No. P076617); and $2,500,000 to the Network Operating Center project (#P076618)(BOT Resol. #12-06-037, 6/11/12). The following fund transfers have been made to this project: $111,000 from the Planning, Design and Construction project (CIP No. P906605), and $25,000 from the Facilities Planning: College project (CIP No. P886886) to this project (BOT Resol. #91-56, 5/20/1991); the project appropriation was reduced by $559,000 in FY92. The FY18 Savings Plan reduced FY18 funding and expenditures by $1,900,000 in Current Revenue: General. FY19 reduction of $723,000 is due to County affordability constraints.
anchorFiscal Note
Source of FY25, and FY26 Contributions are College Fund Balance.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
MC Strategic Plan (7/23), Academic Master Plan 2016-2021, Collegewide Facilities Master Plan (Pending 2023), Information Technology Master Plan, Student Affairs Master Plan 2018-2022, and campus building renovation projects. Expenditures are made in alignment with the priorities and guidelines establish by these documents.