Budget Year / Version:  


This project provides design and construction of water quality improvements, best management practices, and environmental enhancements throughout the park system. This work may include stormwater retrofits, outfall restorations, riparian enhancements, stream restorations, native plantings, non-native invasive plant removals, impervious removals, etc. Improvements may include, but are not limited to, drainage improvements, grading, site work, plantings, signage, structural maintenance, dam breach/removal, infrastructure and utility protection, etc. and are often combined with other projects.




Budget Snapshot
$32.35M Total
$24.35M 6 Year Total

Cost Change

Increase due to the addition of two fiscal years to this ongoing project and an increase in overall project scope.


The project meets Montgomery County's water quality goals, Chapter 19, Article IV of the Montgomery County Code: to protect, maintain, and restore high quality chemical, physical, and biological conditions in the waters of the State in the County. This project is also supported by the Countywide Stream Protection Strategy, Comprehensive Watershed Inventories, and Parks' Phase II NPDES MS4 Permit commitments.


The Montgomery Parks Department of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) and the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) have agreed that M-NCPPC will serve as the lead agency for implementing stream restoration projects including long term monitoring and maintenance, that are located wholly or mostly on parkland, and will implement the following additional stream restoration projects in the FY 19-24 CIP through this project; Clearspring Manor, Glenallan, Stoneybrook (Beach Drive to Montrose Avenue), and Grosvenor (Beach Drive to Rockville Pike). Previously, DEP had begun design work on these streams segments which are located predominantly on parkland. In FY18, DEP will provide all design work for these projects to M-NCPPC for design completion, permitting, and construction. M-NCPPC has agreed that all MS4 credits generated from these projects will be credited to the County's future MS4 permit and M-NCPPC must deliver the restored impervious acres no later than Dec. 31, 2023. M-NCPPC will provide appropriate updates at key project milestones to ensure that impervious acreage credits are achieved in the timeframe required, in addition to providing the long-term monitoring and maintenance required for the County to maintain the impervious acreage credit. These projects are currently estimated to have a combined cost of $2.4M, providing approximately 44 acres of credit. M-NCPPC will utilize its resources for completing design/permitting. M-NCPPC will provide updated schedule and cost information on all projects within FY19 for construction funding allocation from this project beginning in FY20, based on MDE's Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund (WQRLF) cycle timeframes. M-NCPPC and DEP will immediately begin working on an MOU detailing how projects completed by Parks, funded with WQPF dollars, with MS4 credits going to the DEP will be handled. M-NCPPC will document all MS4 credits created through these projects in accordance with MDE requirements to obtain State approval for the Permit credits. M-NCPPC will continue to identify future stream restoration projects throughout the Stream Valley Park system through inter-agency collaboration that provide ecological benefit, infrastructure protection, MS4 credits, and other watershed benefits for future implementation. M-NCPPC recognizes that stream restoration projects with relatively small segments on Park property may be selected by the County's contractor. If selected by the County's contractor and approved by DEP with concurrence from Parks, the County's contractor will need to obtain a Park Permit and comply with all M-NCPPC requirements.

Fiscal Note

Prior year partial capitalization of expenditures through FY16 totaled $12,854,000. FY13 transfer in of $129K GO Bonds from Lake Needwood Modifications #098708. Water Quality Current Revenue replaces G.O. Bonds in FY19. Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) Water Quality Revolving Loan Funds (Long Term Financing) replaces G.O. Bonds in FY20 and beyond. In FY20, $800,000 in Current Revenue: Water Quality Protection Fund replaces Long Term Financing, and in FY21, $1,500,000 in Current Revenue: Water Quality Protection Fund replaces Long Term Financing. In addition, $600,000 in Long Term Financing is slipped from FY20 to FY21. In FY21, received $600k in Contributions for the Cabin John Watershed. FY22 appropriation request is $600,000 less than FY22 expenditures to correct excess appropriation received in FY21 ($600,000 Long Term Financing that was slipped from FY20 to FY21 was already appropriated in FY20). FY23, replaced $700k Long-Term Financing with Current Revenue: Water Quality Protection to address delay of loan application while the County and M-NCPPC were negotiating a Memorandum of Understanding to meet loan application and processing of MDE. Additionally, for FY23-28 $250k Current Revenue: Water Quality Protection replaces Long-Term Financing. In FY24-26, Current WQP and WQP Bonds replaced the use of Long-Term Financing, and excess Long -Term Financing was removed.


Expenditures will continue indefinitely.


Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, National Capital Planning Commission for Capper-Cramton Funded Parks, State and County Department of Transportation, State Dept. of Natural Resources, Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, PDF 733759 , Utility rights-of-way coordinated with WSSC and other utility companies where applicable., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
Budget Snapshot
$32.35M Total
$24.35M 6 Year Total
Project Details
Project NumberP818571
Date Last Modified10/23/24
Administering AgencyM-NCPPC
Planning AreaCountywide
Total Expenditures by Cost Element (000s)
Total Funding by Source (000s)
Cost ElementsTotalThru FY24Rem FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
Planning, Design and Supervision957120604707041257011608628418048040
Site Improvements and Utilities2277840641403173114432270625722509254625460
Total Expenditures3234961241873243527002386634343350335033500
FUNDING (000s)
Funding SourceTotalThru FY24Rem FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
Current Revenue: Water Quality Protection71503605445310013503503503503503500
G.O. Bonds127812285000000000
Long-Term Financing30475207781749165213840000
Water Quality Protection Bonds1950300195034000350330003000300030000
Total Funding Sources3234961241873243527002386634343350335033500
Appropriation FY 25 Request6350
Year First AppropriationFY81
Appropriation FY 26 Request350
Last FY's Cost Estimate32349
Cumulative Appropriation18599
Expenditure / Encumbrances9087
Unencumbered Balance9512