Budget Year / Version:  


This project provides for the systematic replacement of heating, ventilating, air conditioning, automated temperature controls, and plumbing systems for MCPS facilities. This replacement approach is based on indoor environmental quality (IEQ), energy performance, and maintenance data. Qualifying systems and/or components are selected based on the above criteria and are prioritized within the CIP through a rating system formula. MCPS is participating in interagency planning and review to share successful and cost effective approaches. The Indoor Air Quality and Energy Conservation projects are now merged with this project to better reflect the coordination of work performed. The work-years reflected in this project are from that merger. An FY 2023 appropriation was approved for mechanical systems upgrades and/or replacements at various schools throughout the county. However, the County Council, in the adopted FY2023-2028 CIP decreased expenditures in FY2023, therefore, the number of projects to be completed were reduced to align with the approved expenditures. Implementation of this program will also be based on implications of construction cost increases and supply chain interruptions. An FY 2024 appropriation and amendment to the FY 2023-2028 CIP was requested to address the backlog of HVAC projects and provide additional funding due to the impact on construction costs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. An FY2023 supplemental appropriation of $25 million was approved to accelerate a portion of the FY2024 request to be able to order materials earlier due to supply chain interruptions. As part of the FY2025-230 CIP, work-years previously shown in this project have been shifted to the Healthy Schools project to align with the work performed. As part of the County Council approved FY2025-2030 CIP, additional expenditures were included in the out-years to reflect a level of effort funding through the six-year CIP. An FY 2025 appropriation was approved to address the backlog of HVAC projects and provide mechanical systems upgrades and/or replacement for facilities throughout the school system. The appropriation will also fund replacement of automatic temperature controls at schools throughout the county. An FY 2026 appropriation of $39.5 million is being requested. This amendment, an increase of $4.5 million to the approved CIP, will allow for the completion of one more HVAC project.




Budget Snapshot
$380.52M Total
$214.5M 6 Year Total


Master Plan for School Facilities, Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Health and Human Services, American Lung Association, County Government, Interagency Committee--Energy and Utilities Management, MCPS Resource Conservation Plan, County Code 8-14a


Fiscal Note

Reflects MCPS correction for funding allocations prior to FY19. FY20 supplemental in State Aid for $367,850 from the Maryland's Healthy Schools Facility Fund. FY21 supplemental in Recordation Tax for the amount of $3,000,000 to enhance the HVAC systems and improve indoor air quality to support COVID-19 recovery planning. FY23 State Aid award for $19.250 million for multiple years. FY23 supplemental in G.O. Bonds and State Aid for the amount of $25,000,000 to accelerate FY24 appropriation. The cost of the project and cumulative appropriation were reduced by $14.698 million due to FY21 & FY22 reversions. Additional reversions from FY23 had no impact in the cost of the project.


Expenditures will continue indefinitely. MCPS asserts that this project conforms to the requirement of relevant local plans, as required by the Maryland Economic Growth, Resource Protection and Planning Act.
Budget Snapshot
$380.52M Total
$214.5M 6 Year Total
Project Details
Project NumberP816633
Date Last Modified12/03/24
Administering AgencyPublic Schools
CategoryMontgomery County Public Schools
Planning AreaCountywide
Total Expenditures by Cost Element (000s)
Total Funding by Source (000s)
Cost ElementsTotalThru FY24Rem FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
Planning, Design and Supervision622001523412766342005700570057005700570057000
Site Improvements and Utilities00000000000
Total Expenditures380521121695443262145003500039500350003500033000370000
FUNDING (000s)
Funding SourceTotalThru FY24Rem FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
G.O. Bonds243265100167179761251221997219750213502135020350223500
Recordation Tax30003000000000000
State Aid1342561852826350893781502819750136501365012650146500
Total Funding Sources380521121695443262145003500039500350003500033000370000
Appropriation FY 25 Request35000
Year First AppropriationFY81
Appropriation FY 26 Request39500
Last FY's Cost Estimate376021
Cumulative Appropriation201021
Expenditure / Encumbrances0
Unencumbered Balance201021
Partial Closeout 64581
Total Partial Closeout645810