anchor Description
This project provides for the design and construction of new and upgraded stormwater management facilities throughout the County under the County's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit. Facilities include but are not limited to new or upgraded stormwater management ponds, Environmental Site Design (ESD) / Low-Impact Development (LID) facilities, and stream restorations.
anchorCost Change
The cost increases to pay for three new upstream mitigation projects.
anchor Justification
This project is needed to comply with the County's MS4 permitting requirements and to implement the County's adopted water quality goals (COMCOR Chapter 19, Article IV) and protect habitat conditions in local streams. In addition, the project supports the goals of the Anacostia Watershed Restoration Agreement.
This project utilizes Maryland Water Quality Revolving Loan Funds (long-term financing). Expenditures in the out-years include expected costs to meet the requirements of the County's next MS4 permit. The scope of the next permit is subject to negotiation with the Maryland Department of Environment.
anchorFiscal Note
Funding sources updated in FY23 to include Water Quality Protection Bonds. There was a transfer of $200,000 in Stormwater Management Waiver Fees in FY23 from Misc. Stream Valley Improvements (P809319). In FY21, a supplemental added $93,773 in Intergovernmental and a fund switch removed $200,748 in State Aid and added Federal Aid for the Chesapeake Bay Trust Green Streets, Green Jobs, Green Towns grant. This project utilizes Maryland Water Quality Revolving Loan Funds (long-term financing). FY24 funding from Federal Aid ($5,000) and Long-Term Financing ($223,000) was switched to Water Quality Protection Bond funding.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
The County Executive asserts that this project conforms to the requirement of relevant local plans, as required by the Maryland Economic Growth, Resource Protection and Planning Act.
Department of Transportation, Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Department of Permitting Services, Maryland Department of the Environment, Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Facility Planning: Stormwater Management (No. 809319), and Maryland Department of Natural Resources.