anchor Description
This project provides for the design and construction of major structural repairs to County maintained stormwater management facilities. The County is responsible for structural maintenance of over 6,800 stormwater management facilities. Major structural repairs can include dredging and removing sediment, removal and replacement or relining of failing pipes and principal spillways, replacing failing riser structures, and repairing failing dam embankments. The major work completed under this project is more significant than routine maintenance and requires engineering analysis and design and application for Federal, State, and/or local permitting. Some small scale dredging and maintenance work is also funded in this project as a preventative measure, to keep minor issues from becoming major structural repair work.
anchor Justification
This project provides for major structural repairs in order to comply with the County's municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permit. It is limited to funding repairs at facilities that require extensive engineering design and permitting that cannot be accomplished within a single fiscal year due to the time required to obtain State and Federal permits.
Current projects include: Wheaton Branch Overtopping Protection, Railroad Branch Dam, Lake Hallowell Dredging Project, Lake Whetstone Toe Drain Repair, Clearspring Manor Road, Norbeck Manor Pond, Quail Valley Pond, Rossmoor Leisure World Pond, and Gunners Lake Erosion Repair.
anchorFiscal Note
In FY25, Current Revenue: WQP partially replaces funds that had previously been programmed as Water Quality Protection Bonds in the six-year period. There was a funding switch in FY24 replacing $3,000 in Water Quality Protection Bonds with State Aid. Funding sources updated in FY23 to include Water Quality Protection Fund bonds in FY23-FY28. FY21 supplemental in Contributions for the amount of $600,000. FY24 funding switch of $3,000 from Water Quality Protection Bonds to State Aid.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
The County Executive asserts that this project conforms to the requirement of relevant local plans, as required by the Maryland Economic Growth, Resource Protection and Planning Act.
Department of Transportation, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Department of Permitting Services, Homeowners Associations, Montgomery County Public Schools, Department of General Services, Maryland State Highway Administration, Stormwater Management Retrofit: Countywide (No. 808726), and Maryland Department of Natural Resources.