Budget Year / Version:  


This is a revolving loan fund which authorizes the Housing Opportunities Commission ("HOC") to use up to $12.5 million at any one time for: (a) interim financing, including cost of acquisition and finishing by HOC, of Moderately Priced Dwelling Units ("MPDUs") as permitted in Chapter 25A of the Montgomery County Code, provided that the unit is used in tandem with a Federal, State, or local subsidy program and is developed to provide housing to low- and-moderate-income households; and (b) planning, acquisition, and improvement of sites and/or existing properties for low and-moderate-income, single, or multifamily housing facilities, which are to be owned and operated by HOC or its designees. Sites may be land-banked in anticipation of future development when adequate public facilities become available. Upon receipt of permanent financing, monies are returned to the fund for reuse. No MPDU may be held by the fund for more than 24 months. The 24-month maximum holding period may be extended in unusual situations for a limited time upon determination by the Director of the Department of Housing and Community Affairs that such an extension would best support purposes of this program. HOC may determine that a County lump sum subsidy is required to secure independent financing or meet Federal, State, or local program guidelines for itself or its designees. Such write-downs from County funds shall be made only for projects serving households whose incomes do not exceed the following limits: 1/3 units - 80 percent of Washington Metropolitan Area Median income; 1/3 units - 80 percent of County Median income; and 1/3 units uncontrolled. In the event that a subsidy is undertaken, then in its next CIP submission, HOC shall include a PDF describing the subsidized program and shall request an appropriation sufficient to fully repay this fund.





Budget Snapshot
$12.51M Total
$0M 6 Year Total


HOC is continually evaluating transactions that will require interim funding from the revolving fund. These transactions include redevelopment activities of older HOC properties that require significant capital infusion to improve their physical conditions or to redevelop and/or reposition them in their respective market areas. In addition, HOC continues to seek new development opportunities, as well as, the acquisition of existing multifamily developments through the conventional real estate sales market that may require interim financing to facilitate the transaction. The County's right of first refusal law was changed to include all multifamily properties of more than five units. The change in law provides HOC with greater acquisition opportunities to preserve affordability and greater need for gap and bridge financing. HOC sets aside revolving funds to capitalize on opportunities to acquire and preserve rental units as they are offered under the current law.


The County General Plan Refinement stands in compliance with the General Plan requirement of the Maryland Economic Growth, Resource Protection, and Planning Act. County Master Plans must be in compliance with the General Plan. Beginning in FY 2001, as a contribution to affordable housing, HOC was given relief on past due interest payments and is no longer required to pay interest on funding for this project.

Fiscal Note

Outstanding draws as of June 30, 2024 totaled $12,111,874. In FY 2024, a repayment of $101,563 was made for Holiday Park, which is now paid off in full. A repayment of $96,000 was made for 880 Bonifant Street, leaving $4,112,000 outstanding. The remaining outstanding balance consists of Ambassador ($1,588,816) and Avondale ($6,441,058). The available balance as of June 30, 2024 totaled $395,126. HOC anticipates continued utilization of the revolving fund for MPDU acquisition as well as for the acquisition, development and improvement of real property that expands or stabilizes affordable housing in the County.


Department of Finance and Department of Housing and Community Affairs.
Budget Snapshot
$12.51M Total
$0M 6 Year Total
Project Details
Project NumberP768047
Date Last Modified09/08/24
Administering AgencyHousing Opportunities Commission
CategoryHousing Opportunities Commission
SubCategoryHousing (HOC)
Planning AreaCountywide
Total Expenditures by Cost Element (000s)
Total Funding by Source (000s)
Cost ElementsTotalThru FY24Rem FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
Planning, Design and Supervision00000000000
Site Improvements and Utilities00000000000
Total Expenditures125071211239500000000
FUNDING (000s)
Funding SourceTotalThru FY24Rem FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
Revolving Fund: Current Revenue107107000000000
Revolving Fund: G.O. Bonds124001200539500000000
Total Funding Sources125071211239500000000
Appropriation FY 25 Request0
Year First AppropriationFY14
Appropriation FY 26 Request0
Last FY's Cost Estimate12507
Cumulative Appropriation12507
Expenditure / Encumbrances0
Unencumbered Balance12507