anchor Description
This level of effort project is intended to maintain and keep technology current in existing libraries by updating technology and technology support systems. When appropriate, upgrades will be coordinated with Library Refurbishment project work.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Project started in FY15 and work will progress on an as needed basis.
anchorCost Change
Beginning in FY26, $31,000 will be shifted to the Library operating budget to accommodate ongoing operating budget impacts from this project.
anchor Justification
This funding will allow the Department of Public Libraries, Department of General Services, and Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions to respond to customer demands and library trends that require changes in the equipment and related furnishings of library buildings. This includes the provision of new equipment such as loanable laptops, upgraded self-checkout machines, security cameras, badge access doors, and modifying service desks to provide single points of service. It will also provide funding for necessary upgrades of electrical and data connections as improvements are made to the services and programs. This project will improve the level of service to the community by keeping the library system more current and responsive to the needs of the community. Rather than the current 30+ year cycle of renovations, funds will be available to modify technology on a much shorter timeframe.
anchorFiscal Note
Funds have occasionally been moved from this CIP budget to the Library operating budget to accommodate ongoing operating budget impacts from this project. Beginning in FY20, $118,000 was shifted to the Library operating budget. Beginning in FY21, another $156,000 was shifted to the Library operating budget. Beginning in FY23, $93,000 was shifted to the Library operating budget. Beginning in FY24, $164,000 was shifted to the Library operating budget. Beginning in FY25, $48,000 will be shifted to the Library operating budget. Beginning in FY26, $31,000 will be shifted to the Library operating budget.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Department of General Services, Department of Public Libraries, and Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions.