anchor Description
This project provides funding for the renovation of physical education buildings, specifically the Germantown Physical Education building and the Rockville Physical Education Center. The College completed a facilities condition assessment of these buildings in January 2023 that evaluated all building systems and related equipment and identified major repair and/or replacement requirements. In addition, this project will fund sports turf, and a reconfiguration of the Germantown baseball field to support the College's athletic program. This project also funds title IX improvements.
anchorEstimated Schedule
This project is an ongoing effort and expenditures are expected beyond the six-year period.
anchor Justification
The Germantown Physical Education building was constructed in 1980, and is 43 years old. The Rockville Physical Education Center was constructed in 1966, and is 57 years old. These buildings are experiencing a progressive deterioration of building systems and major pieces of building equipment. It has now reached the point that addressing the problem of a deteriorating building infrastructure is beyond the scope of a maintenance effort and that building repairs are no longer adequate or cost effective. Key components of the HVAC, mechanical and electrical systems are outdated, energy inefficient, and costly to continue to repair. The refurbishment and/or replacement of major building systems and related equipment will significantly extend the useful life of the building and correct safety and environmental problems. The College completed a building condition assessment in 2013 that provides a detailed evaluation of building deficiencies and initial cost estimates for major repairs, equipment replacements, and related improvements. Related studies include: Montgomery College Strategic Plan (7/23), Collegewide Facilities Master Plan (Pending 2023), and the Collegewide Facilities Condition Assessment (1/23).
Funding Source: MC Facilities Capital Project Fund
Energy Conservation: College (CIP No. P816611), Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement: College (CIP No. P926659), Roof Replacement: College (CIP No. P876664).