Budget Year / Version:  


MCPS contracted with an external entity to conduct full facility assessments of all schools during the spring and summer of 2018. This provided an important baseline of facility condition information across all school facilities to inform decision making about capital projects, systemic replacements, and other work needed to address facility infrastructure challenges. The Key Facility Indicator (KFI) data was compiled into a public facing website in the spring of 2019. As part of the amended FY 2019-2024 CIP, the superintendent identified the first set of schools to be included in the Major Capital Project project. At the elementary level, the first set of schools identified are Burnt Mills, South Lake, Woodlin, and Stonegate elementary schools. An FY 2021 appropriation was requested to begin the architectural planning and design for these first four projects. Burnt Mills, South Lake and Woodlin elementary schools have scheduled completion dates of August 2023 and Stonegate Elementary School has a scheduled completion date of January 2024. However, due to fiscal constraints, the County Council, in the adopted FY2021-2026 CIP, approved the completion dates for South Lake, Woodlin, and Stonegate elementary schools one year beyond the Board of Education's request, but maintained the planning funds. South Lake and Woodlin elementary schools had scheduled completion dates of August 2024 and Stonegate had a scheduled completion date of January 2025. An FY 2022 appropriation and amendment to the FY 2021-2026 CIP was approved to accelerate the completion dates of the four elementary school major capital projects to August 2023. The requested completion dates aligned with the Board of Education's request in the FY 2021-2026 CIP. Based on the request to accelerate the completion dates, an FY 2022 appropriation was approved for construction funds for all of the four elementary major capital projects. An FY 2022 supplemental appropriation and transfer of funds of $33.941 million in total for four elementary schools (Burnt Mills, South Lake, Stonegate, and Woodlin) was approved, in September 2021, for increases in construction costs. An FY 2022 supplemental appropriation of $16.725 in total for four elementary schools (Burnt Mills, South Lake, Stonegate, and Woodlin) was approved, in December 2021, to maximize state aid. An FY 2023 appropriation was approved for Burnt Mills, Stonegate, and Woodlin elementary schools to complete these projects. The approved appropriation also will fund architectural planning and design for Piney Branch ES, the next school identified for a major capital project. Construction funds will be considered in a future CIP, and therefore, the completion date for the Piney Branch ES project is to be determined. Due to construction delays and challenges, the approved FY2023-2028 amended CIP includes a six-month delay for Woodlin ES, now with a completion date of January 2024. As part of the approved FY2025-2030 CIP, the Piney Branch ES project is postponed until the Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment process is complete. FY25 funding includes continued planning funds for Piney Branch ES. In addition, the approved CIP includes planning funds and placeholder construction funds for the following elementary schools--Cold Spring, Damascus, Twinbrook and Whetstone. An FY 2025 appropriation was approved to begin the planning and design for these four elementary school projects. However, due to fiscal constraints, as part of the County Council's approved FY 2025-2030 CIP, the placeholder construction expenditures were shifted to the out-years of the CIP. The Board's request for FY 2026 is to reallocate $3 million of placeholder construction dollars from Cold Spring, Damascus, Twinbrook, and Whetstone elementary schools, totaling $12 million, from FY 2030 for other projects. Once planning is complete and the scope and the cost of the project are determined, construction funds, along with a completion date, will be considered in a future CIP.




Budget Snapshot
$288.91M Total
$105.54M 6 Year Total

Fiscal Note

FY21 supplemental in G.O. Bonds for the amount of $5,853,000 to accelerate completion date to 2023 in the South Lake ES. FY22 Supplemental for $16,725,000 in GO Bonds for Burnt Mills ES ($5.2 million); South Lake ES ($2.057 million); Stonegate ES ($3.528 million); and Woodlin ES ($5.940 million).


MCPS asserts that this project conforms to the requirement of relevant local plans, as required by the Maryland Economic Growth, Resource Protection and Planning Act.
Budget Snapshot
$288.91M Total
$105.54M 6 Year Total
Project Details
Project NumberP652101
Date Last Modified01/08/25
Administering AgencyPublic Schools
CategoryMontgomery County Public Schools
Planning AreaCountywide
Total Expenditures by Cost Element (000s)
Total Funding by Source (000s)
Cost ElementsTotalThru FY24Rem FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
Planning, Design and Supervision2249287492674110694623228700276213970
Site Improvements and Utilities5850119501039000000023320156800
Total Expenditures2889141799583417105539825222870035000600000
FUNDING (000s)
Funding SourceTotalThru FY24Rem FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
G.O. Bonds11816750191341764559825222870035000190200
Recordation Tax5211952119000000000
State Aid1186287764804098000000409800
Total Funding Sources2889141799583417105539825222870035000600000
Appropriation FY 25 Request10859
Year First Appropriation
Appropriation FY 26 Request0
Last FY's Cost Estimate300914
Cumulative Appropriation198073
Expenditure / Encumbrances0
Unencumbered Balance198073