anchor Description
This project provides for renovation or replacement of child care facilities to ensure compliance with new laws pertaining to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and safety concerns.
The project addresses three major components:
1. Remedies ADA non-compliant features at child care centers located in County buildings.
2. Provides for the design and construction of ADA compliant playgrounds at existing child care facilities while also incorporating other playground requirements included in State regulation, National Association for the Education of Young Children Early Learning Standards and Accreditation Criteria, and the Maryland Program Accreditation Standards for Implementing Quality Childhood Programs.
3. Provides for replacement of modular facilities.
anchor Justification
This project is designed to bring child care facilities and playgrounds into compliance with Federal ADA requirements and child care accreditation standards.
anchorFiscal Note
The department is required to provide notice and information to Council in writing 60 days before construction funding is obligated or spent. The notice must identify each project programmed for construction with the anticipated scope of work, cost estimates, and an expenditure schedule. For administrative and tracking purposes, the FY25-30 Capital Improvement Program separates funding for each purpose into three new projects: for child care facility renovations associated with playgrounds, please see Project #602501; for child care facility renovations associated with ADA remediation, please see Project #602502; for child care facility renovations associated with facility replacement, please see Project #602503.
Department of Health and Human Services, Montgomery County Public Schools, Department of General Services, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, and child care center service providers