anchor Description
This project provides for the repair of existing storm drain outfalls into stream valleys. Design of corrective measures is included when in-kind replacement of original outfall structures is not feasible. Candidate outfall repairs are selected from citizen and public agency requests. The Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) Miscellaneous Stream Valley Improvements project generates and assists in rating the outfalls, which are identified as that project expands into additional watersheds.
anchor Justification
Collapsed storm drain pipe sections, undermined endwalls, and eroded outfall channels create hazardous conditions throughout the County. The course of drainage could be altered, endangering private property or public roads and speeding the erosion of stream channels. Erosion from damaged outfalls results in heavy sediment load being carried downstream that can severely impact aquatic ecosystems and exacerbate existing downstream channel erosion. As part of its watershed restoration inventories, DEP identifies storm drain outfalls that are in need of repair in County stream valleys and respective watersheds. As this program expands to include additional watersheds, each outfall is categorized and, where damaged, rated. A functional rating and evaluation process is used to prioritize each outfall.
The number of outfall locations being repaired per year varies based on the severity of the erosion and damage, the complexity of the design, and the complexity of the needed restorative construction work. Completed outfalls in FY22-23: Georgian Forest Park, Crosby Road, Vandever Street, and Littleton Street. Potential outfall projects FY24-25: Garrett Park Road, Lily Stone Drive, Howard Avenue, MacArthur Boulevard, and Kerry Court.
anchorFiscal Note
Funding switch between Long Term Financing and Current Revenue: Water Quality Protection Charge (CR: WQPC) during the upload of actuals due to deposit from the Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) larger than the expected. Funding switches in FY25 to fund all programmed spending in this fiscal year with CR: WQPC and in FY26 to fund all programmed spending with Water Quality Protection Bonds (WQP Bonds). In FY23-FY28, Long Term Financing based on the Maryland Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund (WQRLF) from MDE was replaced with WQP Bonds due to limited eligibility of projects within this CIP under the revolving fund. FY22 amendment to reduce Long Term Financing and replace it with WQP Bonds. FY23 funding switch between Long Term Financing and CR: WQPC to fund expenditures incurred in FY19 under the MDE loan that will not materialize and reprogramming of expenditures originally under CR: WQPC with WQP Bonds.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Maryland Department of the Environment, United States Army Corps of Engineers, Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services, Utility Companies, and Miscellaneous Stream Valley Improvements (CIP No. 807359)