anchor Description
This project provides for the orderly replacement/renovation of aging and outdated elevator systems in County-owned buildings. This project also includes periodic condition assessments of elevator systems in County buildings.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Several projects will be completed in FY25 and FY26. Design for replacement of elevators at Progress Place will occur in FY25, with construction occurring in FY26.
anchor Justification
Many elevator systems in County buildings are inefficient, outdated, and beyond economic repair. The useful life of heavy use equipment (hoist, machine motor generation set, governor, controls, car safety devices, door operator, rails, air conditioning pump units, car buffers, door hardware, etc.) has been exhausted. The existing maintenance program is only capable of keeping the elevator operational, since spare parts are not always readily available in the market, resulting in increased shut down time, greater energy consumption, and higher maintenance costs. Renovation/replacement of aging and outdated elevator systems improves reliability, energy conservation, safety, and code compliance. A new survey is in progress.
anchorFiscal Note
In FY18, $100,000 was transferred to Planned Life Cycle Asset Replacement project for the Data Center's Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) system. FY25 supplemental appropriation in GO bonds for $1,200,000 to support elevator replacement at Progress Place.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Departments affected by Elevator Modernization projects, and Department of General Services.