anchor Description
FiberNet CIP provides for the planning, design, and installation of a countywide electro-optical fiber communication network with the capacity to support voice, public-safety, traffic management, data, Internet access, wireless networking (including public WiFi), and video transmissions among Montgomery County Government (MCG), Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), Montgomery College (MC), Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC), and WSSC Water facilities. FiberNet is the communications backbone for the Public Safety Radio and Public Safety Mobile Data Systems (collectively, Public Safety Communications System (PSCS), DOT's Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS), and other technology implementations (including the 800 MHz IP public safety radio). Upgrades and replacements to electronic components in the core and at user sites extend the usefulness of outside fiber facilities. Core and user equipment must be periodically replaced and upgraded to harness the capabilities of technological evolution and to meet the expanding networking demands of FiberNet customers. FiberNet3 investments exponentially increased FiberNet's ability to support cloud services, resilient data storage and retrieval, and cost effective access to high speed broadband service. Video transmission will include distribution of public, education, government access channel, and selected cable programming.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Previous CIPs focused on expansion of the FiberNet footprint to existing Montgomery County Government, MCPS, Montgomery College, Housing Opportunities Commission, and WSSC Water locations and installing the majority of third-generation FiberNet3 equipment and integration, including upgraded core and hub equipment and establishment of Ashburn data center connections, refreshed past end of life routing and firewall equipment, and installed and implemented an encrypted private cloud, failover recovery equipment, and ransomware recovery capability. FY26-FY31 activities will focus on implementing Phases 2 and 3 of the Business Continuity Strategic Plan and replacement of other critically vulnerable FiberNet edge equipment. Specifically, this will include Equipment Modernization, DOT Site Improvements, Network Construction, and WiFi wireless access point updates.
anchor Justification
FiberNet is a critical infrastructure asset providing communication services and applications to every agency in Montgomery County. As more services are offered electronically (e-applications, e-payment, e-document, e-storage, e-learning), and more services require cloud-access, it is critical that every County location has robust access to FiberNet, and that FiberNet be secure, reliable, and always-on, and that sufficient equipment be in place to enable data recovery in the event of major power outages, natural disasters, or cybersecurity events. In addition, aging internal building wiring; public WiFi access points; external fiber; and end point routers, switches, and firewalls need to be upgraded to enable use of newer IT services and technology. A large amount of equipment is beyond End of Life or End of Support and some has been identified as critical to replace to prevent cybersecurity intrusions.
anchorFiscal Note
A supplemental appropriation request for
$7.2 million in Current Revenue: General was approved in FY22
. Ongoing General Fund support was added beginning in FY23 due to declining Cable Fund revenues.FY23-FY25: Montgomery Municipal Cable (MMC) will give the County $1M in capital funds towards FiberNet in return for $500k in operating funds to MMC. Additional funds were added as an Enhancement in FY23, 24, and 25 to fund Construction - Business Continuity - Equipment Modernization.
During FY24 to FY30, Current Revenue: Cable TV is being replaced with Current Revenue: General. This change is necessary because Cable Fund revenues are declining as consumers switch from cable to streaming services.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions (TEBS), Department of Transportation, Advanced Transportation Management System Project, Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Montgomery College, Housing Opportunities Commission, WSSC Water, Information Technology Policy Coordination Committee (ITPCC), ITPCC CIO Subcommittee, and Interagency Technology Advisory Group (ITAG); and supports ATMS, Traffic Signal System Modernization (TSSM) and Traffic Signal CIPs.