anchor Description
This project provides for transportation improvements such as intersection modifications, sidewalks, traffic signals, streetlights, etc., necessary for safe pedestrian and vehicular circulation for schools identified in the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Capital Program. One aspect of this project will focus on improving pedestrian walkability by creating a safer walking environment, utilizing selected engineering technologies, and ensuring ADA compliance.
anchor Justification
This project is the result of a task force which included representatives from the County Executive, County Council, MCPS, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), and the Maryland State Highway Administration (MSHA). The construction of schools in the County must be supported by off-site transportation improvements to provide safe access. An individual study has been undertaken to identify requirements related to each new school.
Projects included in this program are subject to Council-approved changes in the MCPS program. Safety assessments and studies as part of the Safe Routes to Schools Program are funded in the Department of Transportation's (DOT) operating budget. Recommendations from those studies can result in the need for capital improvements that are beyond the scope of the operating budget. Current/Planned Projects: William B. Gibbs Jr Elementary School, Northwest High School, Jones Lane Elementary School and Bradley Hills Elementary School.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Department of Permitting Services, Maryland State Highway Administration, Montgomery County Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee