anchor Description
This project provides for general government facility planning studies for a variety of projects under consideration in the CIP. In addition, facility planning serves as a transition stage for a project between the master plan or conceptual stage and its inclusion as a stand-alone project in the CIP. Prior to the establishment of a stand-alone project, Montgomery County develops a Program of Requirements (POR) that outlines the general and specific features required on the project. Selected projects range in type including: new buildings, renovation of existing buildings, stormwater management, and recycling centers. Facility planning is a decision making process that includes the determination of the purpose of and need for a candidate project, a rigorous investigation of non-County sources of funding, and an estimate of the cost of the design and an estimated range of the cost of construction of the project. Facility planning represents feasibility analysis, planning, preliminary design, and development of a POR in advance of full programming of a project in the CIP. Depending upon the results of a facility planning determination of purpose and need, a project may or may not proceed to design and construction. For a full description of the facility planning process, see the CIP Planning Section.
anchor Justification
Facility planning costs for projects which ultimately become stand-alone projects are included here. These costs will not be reflected in the resulting individual project.
The study proposals under this program are developed in conjunction with program departments, the Department of General Services, the Office of Management and Budget, and consultants to ensure accurate program requirements. Planning studies are underway or to be completed are listed on the next page. This list includes projects that will potentially be considered for inclusion as stand-alone projects in the future years. Other projects not listed may be planned under urgent situations. Planning for future fire stations will be considered if response time or population data warrant such a need.
anchorFiscal Note
Funds may also be used to explore opportunities in the event a private developer expresses interest in County property.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Department of Environmental Protection, Department of General Services, Department of Correction and Rehabilitation, Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service, Department of Police, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Recreation, Department of Public Libraries, Circuit Court, Office of Management and Budget, Commission on People with Disabilities, and Montgomery County Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee.