anchor Description
This project provides for the removal and replacement of damaged or deteriorated sidewalks, curbs, and gutters in business districts and residential communities. Per the 2019 sidewalk survey, the County maintains about 1,668 miles of sidewalks and about 3,336 miles of curbs and gutters. Many years of paving overlays have left some curb faces of two inches or less. Paving is milled, and new construction provides for a standard six-inch curb face. The project includes: overlay of existing sidewalks with asphalt; base failure repair and new construction of curbs; and new sidewalks with handicapped ramps to fill in missing sections. No changes will be made to existing structures unless necessary to eliminate erosion, assure drainage, and improve safety as determined by a County engineer. A significant aspect of this project has been and will be to provide safe pedestrian access and to ensure Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance. Mileage of sidewalks and curb/gutters has been updated to reflect the annual acceptance of new infrastructure to the County's inventory.
anchor Justification
Curbs, gutters, and sidewalks have a service life of 30 years. Freeze/thaw cycles, de-icing materials, tree roots, and vehicle loads accelerate concrete failure. The County should replace 111 miles of curbs and gutters and 56 miles of sidewalks annually to provide for a 30 year cycle. Deteriorated curbs, gutters, and sidewalks are safety hazards to pedestrians and motorists, increase liability risks, and allow water to infiltrate into the sub-base causing damage to roadway pavements. Settled or heaved concrete can trap water and provide breeding places for mosquitoes. A Countywide inventory of deteriorated concrete was performed in the late 1980's. Portions of the Countywide survey are updated during the winter season. The March 2020 Report of the Infrastructure Maintenance Task Force identified an annual replacement program level of effort based on a 30-year life for curbs and gutters.
The Department of Transportation (DOT) maintains a list of candidate projects requiring construction of curbs and gutters based on need and available funding. The design and planning stages, as well as final completion of the project will comply with the DOT, Maryland State Highway Administration (MSHA), Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and ADA standards.
anchorFiscal Note
Since FY87, the County has offered to replace deteriorated driveway aprons at the property owner's expense when working on a project in their neighborhood. The County will continue to offer apron replacement and has appropriated $100,000 in FY24 for this activity. Payments received will be appropriated and reflected on the PDF. Funding switch replacing Contributions and a portion of GO Bonds with Land Sale Proceeds in FY25. FY24 funding switch between GO Bonds and Contributions.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
WSSC Water, Other Utilities, Montgomery County Public Schools, Homeowners, Montgomery County Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee, Commission on People with Disabilities.