anchor Description
This project provides for the design, review, and construction of roads or utility work that benefit new subdivisions and the public-at-large. The project may be used for land acquisition and construction of connections in primary and secondary residential roadways that cannot be made the responsibility of particular developers, County participation with developers in the construction of arterial and major highways by way of agreements, and completion of defaulted permit work to protect improvements that were completed prior to the default. Subsequent reimbursement will be sought for defaulted work.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Clarksburg Road/Snowden Farm Parkway and Clarksburg Road/MD 121 both started construction in FY22 and will be completed in FY24.
anchor Justification
Several subdivisions have been approved based on this project. After a needs assessment has been made through the master plan process, roadways should be constructed as development occurs to ensure adequate public facilities.
anchorFiscal Note
FY24 supplemental in Contributions for the amount of $503,000. FY24 funding switch of $3,634,000 from G.O. Bonds to Recordation Tax Premium to reflect prior year actuals. FY25 funding switch of $5,626,000 from G.O. Bonds to Impact Taxes to reflect prior year actuals.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Developers, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Maryland State Highway Administration, Required Adequate Public Facilities, Travilah Road (CIP #500101), Stringtown Road (CIP #501208)