anchor Description
This project provides for the installation and improvement of capital amenities at bus stops in Montgomery County to make them safer, more accessible and attractive to users, and improve pedestrian safety for County transit passengers. These enhancements can include items such as sidewalk connections, improved pedestrian access, bus shelters, benches, area lighting, paved passenger standing areas, and other safety upgrades. In prior years, bus shelters were provided through an advertising franchise agreement which ended in June 2019. The County was unable to solicit a vendor under similar terms and now has to fund bus shelter replacement and maintenance directly. Therefore this project will now include funding for the installation and replacement of bus shelters and benches along Ride On and County Metrobus routes. Construction began in October 2006. Through FY22, approximately 3,700 stops with 1,333 curb ramps; 422 concrete kneewalls for safety and seating; 89,957 linear feet of sidewalk; and 179,531 linear feet of ADA concrete pads have been modified or installed. However, due to the age of improvements, many need to be reconstructed. Additionally, remaining improvements require property acquisition or easements which were previously deferred due to funding constraints. Lastly, the Ride On Reimagined Study will result in significant bus stop changes that will require rapid upgrades within the right of way to safely accommodate passengers.
anchorCost Change
Cost increase to develop Vison Zero standards for bus stops.
anchor Justification
Many of the County's bus stops have safety, security, or right-of-way deficiencies since they are located on roads which were not originally built to accommodate pedestrians. Problems include: lack of drainage around the site, sidewalk connections, adequate passenger waiting areas or pads, lighting or pedestrian access, and unsafe street crossings to get to the bus stop. This project addresses significant bus stop safety issues to ease access to transit service. Correction of these deficiencies will result in fewer pedestrian accidents related to bus riders, improved accessibility of the system, increased attractiveness of transit as a means of transportation, and greater ridership. Making transit a more viable option than the automobile requires enhanced facilities as well as increased frequency and level of service. Getting riders to the bus and providing an adequate and safe facility to wait for the bus will help to achieve this goal. The County has approximately 5,400 bus stops. The completed inventory and assessment of each bus stop has determined what is needed at each location to render the stop safe and accessible to all transit passengers. In FY05, a contractor developed a GIS-referenced bus stop inventory and condition assessment for all bus stops in the County, criteria to determine which bus stops need improvements, and a prioritized listing of bus stop relocations, improvements, and passenger amenities. The survey and review of bus stop data have been completed and work is on-going.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
anchorFiscal Note
Funding for this project includes general obligation bonds with debt service financed from the Mass Transit Facilities Fund. $560K in Federal Aid in FY26 and FY27 to develop Vision Zero standards for bus stops and construct related improvements..
A pedestrian impact analysis will be performed during design or is in progress.
MCDOT-Highway Services, Civic Associations, Municipalities, Maryland State Highway Administration, Maryland Transit Administration, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, Commission on Aging, Commission on People with Disabilities, Montgomery County Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee, Citizen Advisory Boards.