Budget Year / Version:  


This project provides funding for County coordination and oversight of the Purple Line project, including the three County-funded projects [Capital Crescent Trail (P501316), Bethesda Metro South Entrance (P500929), and Silver Spring Green Trail (P509975)] that are being included with the construction of the Purple Line. The Purple Line is a 16-mile light rail line being constructed by the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) between Bethesda Metrorail station in Montgomery County and New Carrollton Metrorail station in Prince George's County. The project will include the construction of 21 light rail stations, 10 of which are located in Montgomery County. The Purple Line, which is estimated to serve more than 65,000 daily riders, will operate both in its own right-of-way and in mixed traffic and provides a critical east-west connection linking Montgomery and Prince George's Counties. The new rail line will result in many benefits, including faster and more reliable service for the region's east-west travel market, improved connectivity and access to existing and planned activity centers, increased service for transit-dependent populations, traffic congestion relief, and economic development, including Transit-oriented development, along the corridor. The project is being bid out by the State as a Public-Private Partnership (PPP), with a selected concessionaire responsible for final design and construction of the project, as well as the system operation and maintenance for the first 30 years of service. The County's role in the project is defined in a Memorandum of Agreement between the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) and the County.
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Under Construction


Budget Snapshot
$54.32M Total
$0.41M 6 Year Total

Estimated Schedule

MTA reached an agreement with a concessionaire in 2016. Final design began during spring/summer 2016 and construction began in 2017. The design-builder and the concessionaire filed claims to terminate the contract in 2020. A settlement agreement was reached; this resulted in the design-builder, also a member firm of the concessionaire, leaving the project. The concessionaire and the MTA have selected a new entity to complete the construction. The project is expected to be open for revenue service in spring 2027.

Cost Change

Cost increase for additional project management and supervision to align with MTA's revised the completion date.


Montgomery County supports the Purple Line project due to its economic and mobility benefits. As with any large infrastructure project, significant impacts to the community - on both residents and businesses along the corridor - are anticipated during the construction period. MTA has plans for a robust public engagement effort during design and construction; nevertheless, the County has embarked on its own community engagement effort through the Purple Line Implementation Advisory Group (PLIAG) and expects to be actively engaged with the community throughout the various project stages. The County will also be required to provide technical review and oversight of both the County-funded projects and the overall Purple Line project to ensure that they are in keeping with County standards.


Certain County properties will be impacted by the construction of the Purple Line. To facilitate the construction and long term maintenance of the system, certain County properties will need to be transferred to MTA, in part or in entirety. Properties include (address and tax account identification number): 8710 Brookville Road (971041), Brookville Road (983094), 8717 Brookville Road (972728), 1160 Bonifant Street (1043367), 1114 Bonifant Street (1045696), 1170 Bonifant Street (1046100), 734 E University Boulevard - for roadway widening and utility relocation (975345), 734 E University Boulevard - for use as parkland mitigation agreement with M-NCPPC (975345), vicinity of 25 East Wayne.

Fiscal Note

FY17 supplemental appropriation for $8,000,000 in Recordation Tax Premium required per a Memorandum of Understanding with Carr properties. This will facilitate development of the Apex Building to provide an improved Bethesda Purple Line Station that includes a more prominent entrance and wider platform, thereby improving ADA accessibility and eliminating the need for patrons to cross the tracks, and an easement and tunnel under the building for the future underground segment of the Capital Crescent Trail, enhancing safety and user experience. FY18 funding switch of $367,000 between GO Bonds and Impact Tax. FY23 funding switch of $10,000,000 from GO Bonds to GO Bond Premium.


Maryland Transit Administration, Maryland Department of Transportation, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, State Highway Administration, Office of the County Executive, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Bethesda Bikeway and Pedestrian Facilities, CSX Transportation, Purple Line NOW, Coalition for the Capital Crescent Trail, Department of General Services, Department of Permitting Services, Silver Spring Transportation Management District, Bethesda Transportation Management District, Silver Spring Chamber of Commerce, Bethesda Chamber of Commerce
Budget Snapshot
$54.32M Total
$0.41M 6 Year Total
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Project Details
Project NumberP501603
Date Last Modified10/31/24
Administering AgencyTransportation
SubCategoryMass Transit (MCG)
Planning AreaCountywide
Total Expenditures by Cost Element (000s)
Total Funding by Source (000s)
Cost ElementsTotalThru FY24Rem FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
Planning, Design and Supervision2123171304101301401400000
Site Improvements and Utilities00000000000
Total Expenditures543225269012224101301401400000
FUNDING (000s)
Funding SourceTotalThru FY24Rem FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
G.O. Bond Premium1000010000000000000
G.O. Bonds287172708512224101301401400000
Impact Tax22542254000000000
Recordation Tax Premium (MCG)80008000000000000
Total Funding Sources543225269012224101301401400000
Appropriation FY 25 Request130
Year First AppropriationFY16
Appropriation FY 26 Request140
Last FY's Cost Estimate54322
Cumulative Appropriation54042
Expenditure / Encumbrances52693
Unencumbered Balance1349