anchor Description
This project provides for permanent patching of residential/rural roads in older residential communities. This permanent patching program provides for deep patching of residential and rural roads to restore limited structural integrity and prolong pavement performance. This program will ensure structural viability of older residential pavements until such a time that road rehabilitation occurs. Based on current funding trends, many residential roads identified as needing reconstruction may not be addressed for 40 years or longer. The permanent patching program is designed to address this problem. Pavement reconstruction involves either total removal and reconstruction of the pavement section or extensive deep patching followed by grinding along with a thick structural hot mix asphalt overlay. Permanent patching may improve the pavement rating such that total rehabilitation may be considered in lieu of total reconstruction, at significant overall savings.
anchor Justification
In FY09, the Department of Transportation instituted a pavement management system. This system provides for systematic physical condition surveys. The physical condition surveys note the type, level, and extent of residential pavement deterioration combined with average daily traffic and other usage characteristics. This information is used to calculate specific pavement ratings, types of repair strategies needed, and associated repair costs, as well as the overall Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of the entire residential network. The system also provides for budget optimization and a systematic approach to maintaining a healthy residential pavement inventory. The updated 2022 pavement condition survey indicated that 702 lane-miles (16 percent) of residential pavement have fallen into the lowest possible category and are in need of structural patching. Typically, pavements rated in this category require between 15-20 percent permanent patching per lane-mile. Physical condition inspections of residential pavements will occur on a 2-3 year cycle.
anchorFiscal Note
$63.0 million is the annual cost required to maintain the current Countywide Pavement Condition Index of 67 for residential and rural roads. $66.0 million is the annual requirement to achieve a Countywide Pavement Condition Index of 70 for residential and rural roads. Related CIP projects include Residential and Rural Road Rehabilitation (No. 500914) and Resurfacing: Residential/Rural Roads (No. 500511). In FY21, there was a funding switch utilizing GO Bonds, of which, $1 million was allocated in GO Bond Premium. FY24 funding switch between GO Bonds and Recordation Tax Premium.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
The County Executive asserts that this project conforms to the requirement of relevant local plans, as required by the Maryland Economic Growth, Resource Protection and Planning Act.
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Maryland State Highway Administration, Utility Companies, Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services, City of Gaithersburg, Facility Planning: Transportation (CIP No. 509337).