anchor Description
The project provides for the implementation of Bill 11-22, Lactation Rooms in County buildings. Initial appropriation will provide for surveying and assessing all County-owned and -leased buildings in which County employees work to determine which facilities are impacted by the bill and the scope of modification required to satisfy the bill's requirement. The assessment will determine the plan to retrofit existing space or alternatively, install or create a space for a portable lactation room or station. DGS will report findings, outcomes, and progress of the assessment to the County Council as required under the bill. Subsequent appropriation will fund construction and implementation costs as determined by results of the assessment.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Planning will occur in FY23. Final implementation is anticipated by summer 2024.
anchorCost Change
Cost change reflects project savings at completion.
anchor Justification
Bill 11-22, enacted July 26, 2022, and effective November 7, 2022, requires at least one lactation room for County employees in each existing County building (owned and leased) including a sink with running water and plumbing systems, or with nearby access to running water. If DGS determines that a County building does not have a room that could be repurposed as a lactation room at a reasonable cost, the County must consider alternative accommodations including installing or creating space for a portable lactation room or station.
anchorFiscal Note
FY23 supplemental in Current Revenue: General for the amount of $150,000, GO bonds for the amount of $262,000. FY24 funding switch of $281,000 from GO bonds to PAYGO.
All Montgomery County Departments; Office of Human Resources