anchor Description
State budget legislation has directed funding to Montgomery County Government to fund Maryland County Public School playgrounds throughout the County. FY23 State Aid will be used for playgrounds at the following elementary schools: Burning Tree, Burtonsville, Gaithersburg, JoAnn Leleck, Kemp Mill, New Hampshire Estates, Ronald McNair, Sargent Shriver, and Stedwick. FY25 State Aid will be used for projects at the following schools: Bel Pre Elementary School, Damascus High School, Eilson Wims Elementary School, Farmland Elementary School, Gaithersburg Elementary School, Little Bennett Elementary School, Oakland Terrace, Sherwood High School, Springbrook High School, and Watkins Mill Elementary School.
anchorCost Change
Additional State Aid provided for FY25.
The County Executive asserts that this project conforms to the requirement of relevant local plans, as required by the Maryland Economic Growth, Resource Protection and Planning Act.
Department of General Services and Montgomery County Public Schools.