anchor Description
This project provides funding for new and replacement instructional furniture and equipment to support academic programs, improve classroom and lab functionality, and upgrade equipment to meet instructional requirements. New and replacement furniture and equipment will be provided in classroom, laboratory, and/or instructional support settings. General instructional furniture includes such items as tables, chairs, stools, laboratory cabinetry, white boards, and other display boards, that typically occur in classrooms, labs, and instructional support spaces. Instructional equipment, for example, may include microscopes, autoclaves, weight equipment, pottery kilns, and other types of equipment used for teaching, experimentation, and/or research.
anchor Justification
Instructional furniture and equipment necessary for classes and labs typically has a replacement cycle of 10 years or more depending upon level of usage. Existing furniture and equipment across the College is often outdated or inadequate, necessitating a major replacement effort. In addition, new instructional endeavors may also require the purchase of furniture and equipment to support the academic program. New and replacement instructional furniture and equipment is necessary to support the academic success of students and provide faculty with the tools for student learning. Relevant studies include the Montgomery College Strategic Plan (7/23), and Montgomery College Academic Master Plan 2016-2021.
FY25 Appropriation: $270,000 (Current Revenue: General). FY26 Appropriation: $270,000 (Current Revenue: General).
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Montgomery College 2016-2021 Academic Master Plan, Takoma Park/Silver Spring Leggett Math and Science Building. This project will support the Capital Renewal project.