anchor Description
The main natatorium includes a 60-feet wide by 120-feet long competition pool with a movable bulkhead. The main pool volume is 361,000 gallons, with a flow rate of 1,050 gallons per minute (GPM), a surface area of 7,200 feet, and a turnover rate of six hours. There is also a diving pool and diving tower with one meter and three meter diving boards and a diving platform. Additional space within the structure contains the entrance lobby, spectator areas, shower/restroom/locker facilities, leisure, teaching, and hydrotherapy pools along with extensive mechanical, electrical, and plumbing facilities. Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) Indoor Swim Center has been in operation for over 35 years without any major renovation/modernization initiatives, and many of the building components and systems are at the end of their useful life. Multiple evaluations of building systems have been performed and extensive upgrades to, if not outright replacement of, entire building systems are recommended. If any of these systems fail, the facility will be unable to continue operating. The purpose of this project is to accomplish required renovations to protect the capital asset and to allow the facility to continue providing regular service to its customers.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Design work scheduled to begin in FY27, and construction is expected to begin in FY28.
anchor Justification
Initiating this project and completing the renovations/replacement in a planned, methodical approach is preferable to a system failure that would close the pool for extended emergency repairs. Many building systems will be affected, including roof, HVAC, pool filtration, and pumps along with accessibility and operating program elements. This renovation will require that the entire facility be closed.
East County Regional Services Center, Department of Permitting Services, Department of General Services, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Recreation, Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions, WSSC Water, and Pepco.