anchor Description
This project provides for the design and construction of a library located in Clarksburg, as outlined in the Clarksburg Master Plan, and appropriate to the needs of the community.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Design development will begin in FY25, and construction will start in FY26.
anchor Justification
The department's Strategic Facilities Plan (1998 - 2003) recognized the need for library services in the Clarksburg area, including a needs assessment completed in 2001. The department confirms that the Clarksburg area continues to meet the criteria for a new facility, as outlined in the department's Facilities Plan 2013-2016. The Clarksburg population is expected to increase from 13,766 in 2010 to almost 40,000 by 2025. The closest library is the Germantown branch, which opened in 2007. The library will serve as the community connection hub to ideas, learning, and the exchange of information. It will improve the community through facilitating knowledge creation, informing the community, and inspiring lifelong learning and collaboration.
anchorFiscal Note
Dedication of a 1.1 acre site was approved by the Montgomery County Planning Board on July 23, 2015, as part of the developer Third Try LLC's design for the site plan for the unbuilt portions of the Clarksburg Town Center on the east and west sides of the development. Associated parking was to be provided by the developer. Funding provided in an FY24 supplemental for evaluation and purchase of an alternate site at the corner of MD 355 and Stringtown Road in Clarksburg. FY24 supplemental provided G.O. Bonds for the amount of $3,624,000 and acceleration of FY25 appropriation in the amount of $3,206,000 to sign design contract. FY24 funding switch of recordation tax premium for G.O. Bonds in the amount of $3,201,000 due to FY24 actuals upload. FY26 transfer of $180,000 in G.O. Bonds from Clarksburg Library (P710500) to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Compliance (P361107).
A pedestrian impact analysis will be performed during design or is in progress.
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Department of General Services, Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions, Department of Permitting Services, WSSC Water, Clarksburg Town Center Development District, Department of Public Libraries, Upcounty Regional Service Center, Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Department of Environmental Protection, and Potomac Edison. Special Capital Projects Legislation will be proposed by the County Executive.