anchor Description
This project funds the demolition of the north side of the Student Affairs and Science Building, and will rebuild it from 2 stories to three stories, which will be a net gain of 18,000 gross square feet to the building. The existing first floor programmatic functions are devoted mostly to Student Services, which will move to the new Germantown Student Services Center. The building is currently undergoing a two phase renovation and addition to convert and reconfigure the building to house the Department of Physics, Engineering and Math along with the Math, Physics and Engineering Learning (MAPEL) Center. Overall growth at the Germantown Campus in combination with the transition to lab instruction for mathematics and engineering expansion has created the demand for additional academic space.
Based on student interest, enrollment trends, existing and projected County and State workforce needs, and the teaching and learning strategies, including the final report of The Governor's Science Technology Engineering Mathematics Task Force, Investing in STEM to Secure Maryland's Future, the Germantown Campus will be well positioned to meet the needs of its students and the region.
anchorCost Change
Includes State allowable cost escalation of 4 percent.
anchor Justification
Under the application of the State space guidelines, the enrollment growth on the Germantown Campus has resulted in a significant instructional space deficit. The Germantown Campus has a 2032 projected instructional space deficit of 29,417 net assignable square feet (NASF) and a total space deficit anticipated to be 16,937 NASF. In addition, this project will position the College to address workforce shortages in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics fields. This project will impact local and Maryland workforce shortages through educating students to fill technical jobs. Relevant studies include the Montgomery College Strategic Plan (7/23), Collegewide Facilities Master Plan (Pending 2023), and the Renovation/Addition to Sciences & Applied Studies Building at Montgomery College Germantown Campus, Part 1, Part 2 (3/11).
Montgomery College asserts that this project conforms to the requirement of relevant local plans, as required by the Maryland Economic Growth, Resource Protection and Planning Act.
Facility Planning: College (No. P886686), Germantown Science & Applied Studies Phase 1- Renov. (No. P136600), Energy Conservation: College (No. P816611), PLAR: College (No. P926659)