anchor Description
This project provides for the extension of Summit Avenue in Kensington from Plyers Mill Road to Farragut Road, improvement of Farragut Road, and reconfiguration of the intersection of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185)/University Boulevard (MD 193)/Farragut Road.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Final design, land acquisition, and construction will begin after FY30.
anchor Justification
This project will provide an alternate route and improve mobility along Connecticut Ave, University Blvd and Plyers Mill Rd. The new roadway will provide easier access to local businesses, add bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and enhance community character.
A pedestrian impact analysis will be performed during design or is in progress.
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Maryland DOT State Highway Administration, Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Permitting Services, Utilities, Municipalities, affected communities, Commission on Aging, Commission on People with Disabilities, Montgomery County Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee