anchor Description
The project provides for the design and construction of a 2.2 mile long roadway within a minimum 150-foot right-of-way. The work will be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 includes a 4-lane divided roadway (two lanes in each direction) starting at existing Observation Drive near Waters Discovery Lane and continuing north beyond West Old Baltimore Road to the point where it meets the planned extension of Little Seneca Parkway, along with a 16-foot breezeway on the east side to provide Greenway connectivity. Phase 1 will also include the westward extension of two lanes of Little Seneca Parkway to Observation Drive. A bridge approximately 550 feet in length will be constructed near Waters Discovery Lane, ending at West Old Baltimore Road near the future MTA Comsat Station. A traffic signal will be provided at the West Old Baltimore Road intersection. In Phase 2, between Little Seneca Parkway and existing Observation Drive near Stringtown Road, the scope includes a two-lane roadway, along with an eight-foot wide shared-use path on the west side, with space for the two additional master-planned lanes and a five-foot wide sidewalk on the east side to be built in the future. Traffic signals will be provided at the Shawnee Lane and Little Seneca Parkway intersections.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Pending issuance and adoption of new Master Plan, Phase I design will be completed in FY28. Property acquisition will begin in FY27 and construction will start beyond FY30.
anchor Justification
This project is needed to provide a north-south corridor that links the existing Observation Drive to Stringtown Road, providing multi-modal access to a rapidly developing residential and business area between the I-270 and MD 355 corridors. The project improves mobility and safety for local travel and pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular access to residential, employment, commercial and recreational areas. The road design will consider incorporation of a bus rapid transit (BRT) transitway to be built at a future date.
It is anticipated that the alignment for Phase 2 will be updated in the Clarksburg Gateway Sector Plan. Funding and implementation for Phase 2 will be reconsidered when the new alignment is determined. Utility companies have not provided relocation estimates at this time and costs will be revised if necessary once conflicts are defined and costs are known.
anchorFiscal Note
FY24 funding switch of $636,000 from G.O. Bonds to Impact Taxes to reflect prior year actuals. FY25 funding switch of $375,000 from G.O. Bonds to Impact Taxes to reflect prior year actuals.
A pedestrian impact analysis will be performed during design or is in progress.
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Verizon, Pepco, Washington Gas, Department of Permitting Services, Department of Environmental Protection; Special Capital Projects Legislation will be proposed by the County Executive.