anchor Description
This project provides for the renovation, upgrade, expansion, and enhancement of the Outdoor Firing Range and its support facilities. The Montgomery County Department of Police (MCPD) Outdoor Firing Range and its support facilities is a multipurpose tactical training facility that serves as the primary MCPD training area for open-air environments and scenarios. The primary purpose of the Outdoor Firing Range and its support facilities is to train MCPD Police personnel along with other municipalities and agencies in the area. The facility is strategically important and heavily used because the site is large and isolated from the County's residential and commercial development within the Agricultural Reserve. The facility provides the rare opportunity to provide realistic advanced training that is increasingly difficult to obtain and provides beneficial joint training with multiple area agencies including: Montgomery County Fire Marshals in the Fire Code Compliance Division of the Department of General Services, Montgomery County Sheriff's Office, Montgomery County Department of Correction and Rehabilitation, Gaithersburg City Police, Rockville City Police, and other law enforcement agencies.
The project scope intends to: increase and refurbish the earthen protection berms on both sides and at the end of the rifle and pistol ranges; increase the number of lanes in the rifle range with an appropriate target system; increase the distance of the pistol range lanes with an appropriate target system; provide an open air pavilion for weapons cleaning; and provide a new explosive bunker.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Design and construction to occur beyond FY30.
anchor Justification
The project scope reflects needs based on current and projected police staff growth, the increasing demands and challenges of meeting certification and best practice training requirements, as well as the need for improved training.
anchorFiscal Note
During the course of the project development of the design and construction, MCPD will pursue potential grant and partner funding to augment and potentially reduce the overall project cost to the County.
Department of General Services, Office of Management and Budget, Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions, and Department of Police.