anchor Description
This project provides for a combined facility to include the new Wheaton Library, a used bookstore run by a nonprofit, with proceeds benefiting Montgomery County Public Libraries, and the Wheaton Community Recreation Center. Included in the scope is the development of the Program of Requirements (POR) and conceptual design followed by full design services and construction of the facility. The library and the recreation center are comparable to libraries and recreation centers of similar service needs with efficiencies of area and program made possible due to the shared use of spaces such as lobbies, meeting rooms, restrooms, and parking which reduces the overall space requirements and provides for greater efficiencies and reduced operational costs. The Department of General Services (DGS) and Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) have developed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the combined use of the library/recreation center building, and the park. The services formally provided at the existing Wheaton Neighborhood Recreation Youth Center will be replaced by the new community recreation center. The demolition of the structure allows full use of the park green space to support the community programs to be offered by the M-NCPPC and the Department of Recreation. The project provides for a new road access from the relocated Hermitage Avenue.
anchorEstimated Schedule
The facility concept study was completed in 2013. Design started in 2013 and completed in spring of 2016. Construction started in fall of 2016 and the facility opened to the public in September 2019.
anchor Justification
The Wheaton Library is one of the busiest libraries in Montgomery County, with over 490,000 items circulated and more than 381,000 visits by the public in FY13. The used book store, operated by the Friends of the Library, and a satellite office of the Gilchrist Center are located on the lower level. There were serious moisture problems and the building did not meet current mechanical, safety, and building codes. The mechanical, elevator, and HVAC systems were outdated and worn, and they are not energy efficient. The original facility was opened in 1960 and was renovated in 1985. It needed space reconfiguration to meet current library information needs. The Department of Recreation has operated the existing Wheaton Recreation Center, owned by the M-NCPPC, for many years. As early as 1997, this facility was designated for replacement with a larger full-service facility, originally included in Facility Planning and Site Evaluation projects as the Kemp Mill (later Wheaton/Kemp Mill) Community Recreation Center. In the 2005 update to the Department of Recreation's facility plan and in the FY07-12 CIP, a "Wheaton Area Recreation Facilities" study was included in the MCG Facility Planning Project #508768 for this purpose. That study included site and structure, stabilization and design development for future renovation, remodeling, and expansion of the Wheaton Neighborhood Recreation Center to provide an additional recreation facility to complement the existing facility. After review of the Neighborhood Recreation Center component, space limitations, utility, and plumbing challenges did not make it feasible to complete the project on its current site. A decision was made to pursue an alternative combined facility.
anchorFiscal Note
Other cost includes $300,000 for the library collection.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
The County Executive asserts that this project conforms to the requirement of relevant local plans, as required by the Maryland Economic Growth, Resource Protection and Planning Act.
Department of General Services, Department of Libraries, Department of Recreation, Department of Transportation, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, State Highways, Mid-County Regional Services Center, WSSC Water, and Pepco. Special Projects Legislation [Bill No. 34-14] was adopted by Council June 17, 2014.