FY22 Recommended Capital Budgets |
1 | MCG | Appropriation List Closeout List |
1 | MCPS | Appropriation List |
1 | Montgomery College | Appropriation List |
1 | M-NCPPC | Appropriation List Closeout List |
1 | HOC | Appropriation List Closeout List |
Executive Recommendations |
New Projects - FY21-26 Amendments |
Category/Subcategory | Project Number | Project Name |
Technology Services | P342102 | County Radio Replacement and Related Equipment |
Mass Transit (MCG) | P502201 | Bus Rapid Transit: US 29-Phase 2 |
Mass Transit (MCG) | P502202 | Great Seneca Science Corridor Transit Improvements |
Existing Projects - FY21 Supplementals |
Category/Subcategory | Project Number | Project Name |
County Offices and Other Improvements | P010100 | Council Office Building Renovations |
Stormwater Management | P809319 | Facility Planning: Stormwater Management |
Stormwater Management | P800700 | Stormwater Management Facility Major Structural Repair |
Stormwater Management | P808726 | Stormwater Management Retrofit: Countywide |
Housing (MCG) | P762101 | Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund |
FY21-26 Scope Change and/or other Increase/Decrease Existing Projects - Amendments |
Category/Subcategory | Project Number | Project Name |
Fire/Rescue Service | P450700 | FS Emergency Power System Upgrade |
Mass Transit (MCG) | P502110 | Master Leases: Transit Radio System Replacement |
Traffic Improvements | P509399 | Advanced Transportation Management System |
Traffic Improvements | P500704 | Traffic Signal System Modernization |
Health and Human Services | P640400 | School Based Health & Linkages to Learning Centers |
Libraries | P711503 | 21st Century Library Enhancements Level Of Effort |
Recreation | P720601 | Cost Sharing: MCG |
Recreation | P721503 | Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center Building Envelope Improvement |
Recreation | P729658 | Public Arts Trust |
Community Development | P769375 | Facility Planning: HCD |
Housing Opportunities Commission | P091501 | Supplemental Funds for Deeply Subsidized HOC Owned Units Improvements |
Montgomery County Public Schools |
Category/Subcategory | Project Number | Project Name |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P076506 | Building Modifications and Program Improvements |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P926575 | Current Revitalizations/Expansions |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P816633 | HVAC (Mechanical Systems) Replacement: MCPS |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P975051 | Improved (Safe) Access to Schools |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P652101 | Major Capital Projects - Elementary |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P896586 | Planned Life Cycle Asset Repl: MCPS |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P766995 | Roof Replacement: MCPS |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P036510 | Technology Modernization |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P652103 | Bethesda ES Addition |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P651908 | Charles W. Woodward HS Reopening |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P651902 | Cresthaven ES Addition |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P652201 | Grades 3-5 Elementary School for JoAnn Leleck Elementary School at Broad Acres |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P652001 | Highland View ES Addition |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P651709 | Montgomery Knolls ES Addition |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P651907 | Northwood HS Addition/Facility Upgrades |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P651910 | Odessa Shannon MS Addition/ Facility Upgrade |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P651903 | Roscoe Nix ES Addition |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P651912 | Silver Spring International MS Addition |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P651705 | Thomas W. Pyle MS Addition |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P652107 | Westbrook ES Addition |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P652105 | William T. Page ES Addition |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P056516 | MCPS Affordability Reconciliation |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P076510 | MCPS Funding Reconciliation |
Montgomery College |
Category/Subcategory | Project Number | Project Name |
Montgomery College | P661401 | College Affordability Reconciliation |
Montgomery College | P661901 | Collegewide Library Renovations |
Montgomery College | P661801 | Collegewide Road/Parking Lot Repairs and Replacements |
Montgomery College | P076612 | Germantown Student Services Center |
Montgomery College | P926659 | Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement: College |
Montgomery College | P076607 | Takoma Park/Silver Spring Math and Science Center |
Maryland - National Capital Park and Planning Commission |
Category/Subcategory | Project Number | Project Name |
M-NCPPC | P727007 | ALARF: M-NCPPC |
M-NCPPC | P872201 | Mid-County Park Benefit Payments |
M-NCPPC | P008720 | Ballfield Initiatives |
M-NCPPC | P998773 | Enterprise Facilities' Improvements |
M-NCPPC | P871747 | M-NCPPC Affordability Reconciliation |
M-NCPPC | P058755 | Small Grant/Donor-Assisted Capital Improvements |
FY21-26 Implementation Acceleration/Delays & Other Schedule Adjustments |
Category/Subcategory | Project Number | Project Name |
County Offices and Other Improvements | P508728 | Asbestos Abatement: MCG |
County Offices and Other Improvements | P508768 | Facility Planning: MCG |
Economic Development | P150401 | Wheaton Redevelopment Program |
Economic Development | P361701 | White Oak Science Gateway Redevelopment Project |
Technology Services | P509651 | FiberNet |
Fire/Rescue Service | P451504 | Apparatus Replacement Program |
Fire/Rescue Service | P450702 | Glen Echo Fire Station Renovation |
Fire/Rescue Service | P450105 | Rockville Fire Station 3 Renovation |
Fire/Rescue Service | P451502 | White Flint Fire Station 23 |
Highway Maintenance | P508182 | Sidewalk and Curb Replacement |
Mass Transit (MCG) | P501603 | Purple Line |
Mass Transit (MCG) | P501914 | White Flint Metro Station Northern Entrance |
Parking | P501313 | Facility Planning Parking: Bethesda Parking Lot District |
Parking | P501312 | Facility Planning Parking: Wheaton Parking Lot District |
Parking | P508255 | Parking Bethesda Facility Renovations |
Parking | P509709 | Parking Wheaton Facility Renovations |
Pedestrian Facilities/Bikeways | P500119 | Bethesda Bikeway and Pedestrian Facilities |
Pedestrian Facilities/Bikeways | P501733 | Bradley Boulevard (MD 191) Improvements |
Pedestrian Facilities/Bikeways | P501316 | Capital Crescent Trail |
Pedestrian Facilities/Bikeways | P501911 | Forest Glen Passageway |
Pedestrian Facilities/Bikeways | P501734 | Franklin Avenue Sidewalk |
Roads | P500500 | Burtonsville Access Road |
Roads | P501507 | Observation Drive Extended |
Roads | P501506 | White Flint West Workaround |
Health and Human Services | P601502 | Avery Road Treatment Center |
Libraries | P711704 | Noyes Library for Young Children Rehabilitation and Renovation |
Recreation | P721902 | Martin Luther King, Jr. Indoor Swim Center Renovation |
Community Development | P762102 | Countywide Facade Easement Program |
FY21-26 Funding Shifts, Switches and Reallocations - Other Technical Changes |
Category/Subcategory | Project Number | Project Name |
County Offices and Other Improvements | P361302 | Energy Systems Modernization |
County Offices and Other Improvements | P361103 | EOB HVAC Renovation |
County Offices and Other Improvements | P500727 | Red Brick Courthouse Structural Repairs |
Bridges | P509753 | Bridge Renovation |
Highway Maintenance | P501106 | Permanent Patching: Residential/Rural Roads |
Highway Maintenance | P508527 | Resurfacing: Primary/Arterial |
Highway Maintenance | P500511 | Resurfacing: Residential/Rural Roads |
Roads | P500112 | Advance Reforestation |
Roads | P501115 | Century Boulevard |
Roads | P501404 | MCG Reconciliation PDF |
Traffic Improvements | P500333 | Pedestrian Safety Program |
Libraries | P711502 | Library Refurbishment Level of Effort |
Housing Opportunities Commission | P768047 | HOC MPDU/Property Acquisition Fund |
Prior Approved CIP Amendments |
Category/Subcategory | Project Number | Project Name |
Police | P471200 | 2nd District Police Station |
Bridges | P501420 | Elmhirst Parkway Bridge (Bridge No. M-0353) |
Mass Transit (MCG) | P500929 | Bethesda Metro Station South Entrance |
Mass Transit (MCG) | P500821 | Ride On Bus Fleet |
Pedestrian Facilities/Bikeways | P509975 | Silver Spring Green Trail |
Roads | P500338 | Highway Noise Abatement |
Recycling and Resource Management | P801801 | Gude Landfill Remediation |
Recycling and Resource Management | P802101 | Transfer Station Fire Detection and Suppression System |
Health and Human Services | P602103 | Emergency Homeless Shelter |
Libraries | P361202 | Wheaton Library and Community Recreation Center |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P651641 | Shady Grove Transportation Depot Replacement |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P651515 | Blair G. Ewing Center Relocation |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P651713 | Clarksburg Cluster ES (Clarksburg Village Site #2) |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P116505 | Clarksburg HS Addition |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P651507 | Judith Resnik ES Addition |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P651505 | Kensington-Parkwood ES Addition |
Montgomery County Public Schools | P651502 | S. Christa McAuliffe ES Addition |
M-NCPPC | P998711 | Energy Conservation - Non-Local Parks |
M-NCPPC | P998763 | Minor New Construction - Non-Local Parks |
M-NCPPC | P871745 | Ovid Hazen Wells Recreational Park |
M-NCPPC | P968755 | Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement: NL Parks |
M-NCPPC | P888754 | Trails: Hard Surface Renovation |
Fiscal Summary Schedules |
1 | 1 | FY21-26 Biennial Recommended CIP Budget Amendments Summary |
1 | 1 | General Obligation Bond Adjustment Chart |
1 | 1 | General Obligation Bonds - Programming Adjustment for Unspent Prior Years |
1 | 1 | Tax Supported Current Revenues Adjustment Chart |
1 | 1 | M-NCPPC Bond Adjustment Chart |