Download Project Archives
idDownloadFiscal YearVersion
1FY25 County Council Approved - Public Safety Communications Center, Phase II, Electrical Distribution and HVAC Upgrade (P472102) 2025APPROMBF
1FY25 County Executive Recommended - Public Safety Communications Center, Phase II, Electrical Distribution and HVAC Upgrade (P472102) 2025REC
1FY24 County Executive Recommended - Public Safety Communications Center, Phase II, Electrical Distribution and HVAC Upgrade (P472102) 2024AMD1
1FY24 County Council Approved - Public Safety Communications Center, Phase II, Electrical Distribution and HVAC Upgrade (P472102) 2024APPROMBF
1FY24 County Executive Recommended - Public Safety Communications Center, Phase II, Electrical Distribution and HVAC Upgrade (P472102) 2024REC
1FY23 County Council Approved - Public Safety Communications Center, Phase II, Electrical Distribution and HVAC Upgrade (P472102) 2023APPROMBF
1FY23 County Executive Recommended - Public Safety Communications Center, Phase II, Electrical Distribution and HVAC Upgrade (P472102) 2023REC
1FY22 County Council Approved - Public Safety Communications Center, Phase II, Electrical Distribution and HVAC Upgrade (P472102) 2022APPROMBF
1FY22 County Executive Recommended - Public Safety Communications Center, Phase II, Electrical Distribution and HVAC Upgrade (P472102) 2022REC
1FY21 County Council Approved - Public Safety Communications Center, Phase II, Electrical Distribution and HVAC Upgrade (P472102) 2021APPROMBF
1FY21 County Executive Recommended - Public Safety Communications Center, Phase II, Electrical Distribution and HVAC Upgrade (P472102) 2021REC